Festive Left Friday Blogging Too: Brigette has NOT left Ottawa yet!

Here she is, speaking at today’s “Stop Harper” rally:

Photo courtesy Dylan Penner, via Twitter.

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2 Responses to Festive Left Friday Blogging Too: Brigette has NOT left Ottawa yet!

  1. Jim Hadstate says:

    Let us try to make this young woman and her message the new topic of conversation and forget about Anthony Wiener. He did a stupid thing, in my humble (yeah, right) opinion, but that is between his wife and him to work out or separate if they can’t. This woman has a much more interesting message and is far more deserving of the air time and the barrels of ink than are used by a stupid, parochial, out of touch media on inane alleged “scandals.”
    Brigette, you go girl!

    • Hear, hear. Unless they uncover hard evidence (ha, ha, pun, pun) that he sent twitpix of his schlong to a truly underage girl, I don’t wanna hear any more about Weiner’s wiener. (I will, however, skewer the scandal mercilessly later tonight. That’s a promise. Got some ‘toons too good to pass up!)

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