And look! He’s entertaining visits from some friends in high places…again:
El Ecuadorable was there, along with Fidel and Raúl Castro. And it looks like a good time was had by all.
And on the health front, too, the news is nothing but good:
The president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, informed on Friday, via telephone from Havana, Cuba, that he had successfully completed his first cycle of chemotherapy.
In a conversation with the Executive Vice-President, Elías Jaua, who was in the state of Lara with various Popular Power organizations, the president said that he had begun a second round of the medical treatment.
“I’ve completed my first round of chemotherapy treatments, which I have undergone in the last few days. The cycle is done, I must tell you it was successful […] I’ve regained weight, I’m at my ideal, of 86 kilos, I used to be 100 kg […] Now we’re preparing for a second cycle, to definitively destroy and eliminate any risk of the presence of more malignant cells,” Chávez said.
The leader of the Bolivarian Revolution also thanked the people of Venezuela for all the support they have given him in his struggle to fully regain his health.
“The will to live has erupted like a volcano from the depths of my being, and with all this medical attention thanks to Fidel’s revolutionary Cuba, and the Venezuelan and Cuban doctors, as well as the Venezuelan and Cuban nurses, and the love of all of you, the people; your spiritual support, your good wishes for life. All those increase its effect,” said Chávez.
Translation mine.
Can we now please stop writing premature obituaries for the man? Cancer stopped being a definitive death sentence decades ago. But to hear the lamestream media up here tell it, Chavecito’s not much longer for this world. (Pajamas “Media”, FUX Snooze — I’m glaring at YOU, rumor-mongering know-nothings.)
Chemo, in this case, isn’t a palliative measure for a dying man, but a preventive measure to make sure that he lives long and prospers. Kind of like his genial, bearded host, Fidel. Remember him? People were writing his obit prematurely too, a few years ago. And here he is, still looking fine for all that he’s been through. Gonna live to be a hundred and die thumbing his nose at the Yanks. Chavecito, too!
No wonder the tittle-tattle “reporters” are trying to paint it all black. They must all be crying in their little umbrella cocktails right now. Oh well, they’ve got their inflated paycheques to console them. And the still-huge crowd of fellow know-nothings, who continue to read them in spite of the repeated evidence that everything these right-wing crapagandists write is, well, CRAP. That’s got to be good for something while your liver is rotting from the drink, eh?
I was sorry to hear that Chavez did have cancer after all but glad to hear that he is being treated by the best and feeling well.
Goodness, I never heard of PJ Tattler but yikes, that’s one sick puppy who is celebrating a 50% chance of dying in 18 months. And really, there’s a Fox News Latino edition?
Yep, and it’s a sad, sad, sad, sad site. Brazilian doctors didn’t see Chavecito, as far as I know. If they had, he’d probably have thanked them for their attention — he’s nothing if not courteous toward everyone who’s helped or offered to help him. I didn’t hear a single “gracias a los medicos brasileros”, only a ton of “gracias a los medicos cubanos”, so that’s very telling. FUX Snooze, and that right-wing São Paulo paper it cribbed the story from, are feeding us bullshit sandwiches yet again. Cuba is like kryptonite to them!