The post-Fordist era can’t come soon enough

Oh Toronto. So glad I don’t live in you right now. Not just because of the horrible summer heat, but because you have a troglodyte for mayor…

Rob Ford is getting a thumbs-down on social media after a Facebook post described an unexpected encounter with the mayor Friday night at the intersection of Dundas St. W. and Spadina Ave.

According to the post, Ottilie Mason and her 6-year-old daughter pulled up next to Ford and spotted him talking on his cellphone while driving. So they did what they always do when they dislike something.

They gave him a thumbs-down, and Mason rolled down her window and said: “Get off your cellphone.”

Mason said Ford responded by giving her the finger.

And another for city councillor…

Councillor Doug Ford has fired back at world-renowned author Margaret Atwood for her criticism of suggested library cuts, telling reporters: “I don’t even know her. If she walked by me, I wouldn’t have a clue who she is.”

Ford also said that the literary icon and activist — who took him to task on Twitter for saying, erroneously, that his Etobicoke ward has more libraries than Tim Hortons — should get herself elected to office or pipe down.

“Well good luck to Margaret Atwood. I don’t even know her. If she walked by me, I wouldn’t have a clue who she is,” said the councillor and advisor to his brother, Mayor Rob Ford, after a committee meeting on proposed cuts.

“She’s not down here, she’s not dealing with the problem. Tell her to go run in the next election and get democratically elected. And we’d be more than happy to sit down and listen to Margaret Atwood.”

…and they are joined at what passes for a brain. Which David Olive likens to that of a chicken, thereby insulting the poor chickens, who have done nothing to deserve such an odious comparison.

Many of the other councillors think Dougie can’t be serious about not knowing Margaret Atwood, but I can well believe that he doesn’t. As with his brother, Doug Ford’s line of sight ends about where his gut does. Read a book? Unless it’s all about how greed is good, I doubt either of them would bother.

Honestly, the only culture these two boors have is what’s growing around their hemorrhoids and between their toes. And in a city famous for being a rich and multifarious Canadian cultural hub, that’s a deep and lasting embarrassment. One that I’m sure real Torontonians can’t wait to see the end of, although its repercussions may well last longer than the reign of Ford & Ford.

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