It’s too early to say yet whether he’ll be freed, but it looks like a certain FARC guerrilla (and folk singer) whose capture sparked a huge outcry will, at least, NOT be sent back to face the draconian justice system of his homeland:
The Public Ministry has released, in writing, its opinion with respect to the extradition request for the Colombian guerilla, Guillermo Torres Cueter, alias Julián Conrado, and considers that the extradition will not proceed.
This according to Attorney General for the Republic, Luisa Ortega Díaz, who explained the proceedings during an appearance on the program “All Venezuela”, on VTV.
Ortega stated that if the crime for which a person is wanted includes the death penalty, the person may not be extradited. She argued that the decision corresponds to the fact that in Venezuela, life and human rights are preserved, and Venezuelan law does not permit the death penalty.
Conrado was apprehended this past May, on a farm estate near Barinitas in the state of Barinas, by officers of the National Anti-Drug Office (ONA).
Regarding any possible illness the guerrilla may be suffering, the Attorney General said that the order has already been given for an investigating attorney to visit him and personally verify his condition.
Translation mine.
At the very least, it’s a good sign, and sure to be seen as an early Christmas present for Julián and his supporters. There was a lot of pressure brought to bear on the Venezuelan government shortly after the arrest, and the international community got involved to try to save Julián’s life. So, while Venezuela’s relations with Colombia continue to improve, Bolivarians and leftists everywhere have nothing to fear; Chavecito and his government will not be compromising their revolutionary principles on this one. For the time being, Julián Conrado won’t be going anywhere. And there is now a good chance that his request for asylum will be granted.
Some do not share that there is nothing to worry about with the dealings with Colombia or with the governemnts Foreign policy agenda and we should forget the arrest and deporting to Colombia in April this year the Colombian alternative journalist Joaquín Pérez Becerra, who was granted political asylum in Sweden in 2000.