The poutine thickens.

And look! There’s a Spanish fly in it:

RackNine, the Edmonton company that suspect “Pierre Poutine” used to send voters to the wrong polling locations, is operated by Edmonton businessman Matt Meier, with the help of Rick McKnight, who is identified variously as head of marketing and web developer.

But Postmedia News was unable to find anyone who knows McKnight, even though he has a healthy online identity, including 551 Facebook friends, many of them prominent.

Meier and his lawyer declined earlier this week to clear up the case, but citing the RackNine boss, the Globe and Mail identified the mysterious McKnight as Rafael Martinez Minuesa, a Spaniard, who uses the name Rick McKnight in his work for the company.

And now everyone is wondering, I’m sure, what I am wondering: Why would a Spaniard working for a Canadian company feel compelled to anglicize his name and disguise his identity? Canada isn’t exactly a melting-pot country; there’s none of the pressure to conform to WASP standards here that there is in the US. So, Rafael, ¿qué pasa? And since when do Spaniards eat poutine?

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3 Responses to The poutine thickens.

  1. Saskboy says:

    Maybe Mr. Minuesa’s intention was good in working for a local CPC campaign, but isn’t it an Elections Act violation for non-Canadians who are not landed immigrants, to work on political campaigns?

    • Sabina Becker says:

      Good point! And now we have a probable explanation for the anglicized name, too. “McKnight” sounds a lot more “Canadian” than “Minuesa”.

  2. Dr.Dawg says:

    Seems to be a lot of illegal foreign influences at work–like Front Porch Strategies. Busted! But why isn’t Elections Canada getting charges laid?

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