For anyone who doubts that erectile dysfunction is often just a state of mind, and a very strange one at that, get a load of this guy:
A man who has been drinking his wife’s breast milk, straight from the source, for over one and a half years says it cured his erectile dysfunction.
In the season three premiere of TLC’s Strange Sex, Jeff reveals how he is sexually stimulated by breastfeeding and impregnating his wife, Michelle.
Jeff, who lives in Ohio, says candidly on the show: ‘There are individuals out there that get turned on by feet, spanking, and cars. I get turned on by drinking my wife’s breast milk and getting her pregnant.’
The couple have one child, Ala, and it wasn’t until she was born and Michelle was nursing her that his fetish was ‘fully realised.’
He said: ‘Michelle was nursing her, and it was something I felt like, you now what, I’d actually like try it.
‘The first time I breast fed from Michelle, I just latched on and the milk started flowing. It was such a turn on, I had to stop, otherwise I would have finished right then and there,’ he said. ‘It was that much of a turn on.’
And how does his wife feel about her new role as a human cow? Well,
Michelle said she was unsure about Jeff’s fetish at first, but quickly realised it was something she enjoyed.
‘Ala was probably six months old the first time he breastfed from me. I told him if I don’t like it, you’re not going to be able to do it. But when Jeff started feeding from me, it was very erotic.’
She added: ‘If you have excess [breast milk], you might as well make use of it.’
Good that she’s so philosophical about it; others would be skeeved out. Now, what’s gonna happen when they, or rather she, are done having kids?
And is it just me, or is TLC turning less and less into a “learning” channel, and more and more into The Lechery Channel?