“And Lucha, what will your baby’s name be?”
Without struggle (lucha), there can be no victory.
“And Lucha, what will your baby’s name be?”
Without struggle (lucha), there can be no victory.
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Fear doesn't travel well; just as it can warp judgment, its absence can diminish memory's truth. What terrifies one generation is likely to bring only a puzzled smile to the next. --Arthur Miller, "Why I Wrote 'The Crucible'", The New Yorker, October 21, 1996
All opinions here are the brain-wrackings of Sabina C. Becker, unless otherwise credited. If you cite them, please give credit where due.
Suck it, haters. Feminism rocks!
Thank you for being correct and on the mark!With everything in constant flux,specialty with the grassroots, rank and militants of the Bolivarian revolution.
The masses are to the Left of our Left!Which is a good thing…
las masas están a la izquierda de la izquierda
hopefully I got that correct, my spanish is poor but I am trying.
Rojo Rojito
Thats rank and file.
No se si voy a decir algo obvio, a los llamados/as Luis o Luisa se les puede, informalmente, decir Lucho o Lucha; en este caso dona Luisa nombrara a su hija Victoria.
Ah, no lo supe antes. ¡Gracias!