…this seasonal message just had to be said:
And while we celebrate the birthday of Jesus, how about the death of irony?
Gaza militants violated laws of war by launching hundreds of rockets at Israeli civilians during last month’s fighting, Human Rights Watch said in a release Monday.
The Israeli military said 1,500 rockets were fired at Israel during the eight-day offensive against Gaza militants, including the first rockets from the Gaza Strip to strike the Tel Aviv and Jerusalem areas.
The rocket attacks killed three Israeli civilians and wounded dozens. Israeli assaults killed 169 Palestinians.
“Palestinian armed groups made clear in their statements that harming civilians was their aim,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at the New York-based rights group. “There is simply no legal justification for launching rockets at populated areas.”
Yeah? Tell that to Israel, Sarah…they started it. And what exactly did they launch at Gaza? Not only rockets, but ol’ Willie Peter. Which is also illegal, but hey.
Now, the real question is: Who would Baby Jesus bomb?
Merry Horusmas Sabina!
LOL! Thank you!
Hey did you by chance see that Oliver Stone documentary “South of the Border?”
Not yet…only excerpts. I should check to see if it’s available on DVD yet.
Yeah it is! It’s incredible. I didn’t know anything about Bolivarism or Bolivar, or these leaders that are sort of uniting under one flag. I learned a lot from it. I didn’t even know who Che Guevara was, and now I realize I’ve seen posters of him all over the place. Cool dude.
Hugo Chavez is a great man. He’s got a great sense of humour too. I understand now why you are interested in Latin America. Really interesting goings on down there.
Funny you should mention Chavecito’s sense of humor. That was what first got me to pay attention…he made fun of Dubya and Condi Rice’s collective ignorance. He was such a hoot that I had a mad crush on him for the longest time. But OMG, the media up here sucked so badly when it came to reporting on all things LatAm. Eventually, I had to teach myself Spanish. Now I translate from it all the time. I’ve got a poem that I think I’ll put up tomorrow, from one of the Cuban Five, as part of my regular Festive Left Friday Blogging.