Festive Left Friday Blogging: Let the campaign begin!


Supporters of Rafael Correa, the incumbent president of Ecuador, gather to mark the opening of the federal election campaign. More on that from the ANDES news agency:

Thousands of citizens gathered in the area surrounding the Mercado Mayorista, in the south of Quito, to mark the opening of the electoral campaign of candidate Rafael Correa.

The gathering took place at 6:00 a.m. in the Solanda sector. In his speech, Correa emphasized the successes of his government and urged his listeners to vote for List 35, to which he belongs, on February 17.

“Don’t believe the stories that ‘Correa needs opposition to govern better’. What they want is to divide the country, like they did for so many years. The past must never return, this revolution must be irreversible. Today a new historical chapter begins, a glorious one for the democracy of the people of Ecuador,” said Correa.

After this, Correa began a tour of the country from Quito to Portoviejo, passing through Tandapi, Alluriquín, and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. In the afternoon, he travelled to the province of Manabí for the official launc of the campaign of the PAIS movement.

The candidate and current president received licence to campaign from the National Assembly on January 2. He requested 30 days’ leave of absence, per Article 146 of the Constitution, Article 42 of the Organic Law of Legislative Function, and in accordance with Article 93 of the Democratic Code.

Translation mine.

So, El Ecuadorable is going to be a busy boy in the next six weeks. Watch this space for plenty of that face. (Mmmmmmm, dat FACE.)

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