The spectacular Canaima national park of Venezuela, home of the tepuis (you can see some of them in the background), and of the world’s tallest waterfall. And just one of the many reasons why Venezuela has won an international tourism prize this year:
As part of the celebration of the 33rd International Tourism Fair, Venezuela won the Excelencias 2012 prize for its “tireless work” as a nation of social tourism by way of programs and agreements with hotel groups.
During 2012, a jury of nine personalities from different countries, in the fields of tourism, art and gastronomy, headed by the president of the Grupo Excelencias, selected the winners from among a broad and varied selection of candidates from all over the world.
The prize will be awarded on January 30 to a Venezuelan delegation comprised of authorities from the Venezuelan Ministry of Tourism (Mintur), the National Tourism Institute (Inatur) and Tourism Venezuela (Venetur).
The Excelencia Prizes were created in 2005 with the objective of promoting excellence in various areas, all in relation to touristic activity, especially in the Caribbean and the Americas.
The Grupo Excelencias is a communications company specializing in products and services in the edition of touristic materials for print media.
Translation mine.
Funny how all the so-called economists who are forever railing about how Chavecito “ruined Venezuela” haven’t said boo about its booming tourist industry, which has only gotten better since you-know-who has been in power. Or its excellently preserved ecology. You’d think it was some kind of dirty little secret!