Festive Left Friday Blogging: Solidarity is EVERYWHERE, bitches

Yesterday, Venezuela was not the only place where people were demonstrating huge support for a certain much-loved president who wasn’t well enough to take his own oath of office (yet!):


That was, of course, just one European city. Here’s what it looked like in various parts of Latin America:

Whether Quichua shamans in Ecuador, or Afro-Cuban santer@s, or leftist partisans anywhere, there was a lot of positive energy in the air. Three South American presidential friends (from Argentina, Peru and Uruguay) are going to visit him in Cuba, as well; Cristina’s there already. So while I am concerned about Chavecito’s health, very much so (and incensed about the stupidity of the headline of this irresponsible DW piece, which also relies primarily on the “analysis” of a fanatical ex-Cuban who’s still sounding the Chicken Little alarm about the Brothers Castro), at least I know one thing: Bolivarianism is not going to die, no matter what. These Argentines get it:

So don’t anyone make noises about “decapitation” or the “end of the line” for anything. Bolivarianism is bigger than any one individual. This movement existed before Chávez even launched his first rebellion in 1992. It will live on, no matter what happens to him.

Meanwhile, here in North America, there’s another heartening note: Idle No More just keeps on spreading. How far? Well, here’s an indicator:


Abdelaziz and Mohammed, from Agadir, Morocco. This photo appeared on Facebook just this week. And given that today is the official international day of action for the movement, what more appropriate way to mark it?

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