Music for a Sunday: Como candela que va…

Inti Illimani (Chile) and Milva (Italy) pay tribute to a Venezuelan whom we should all know pretty well by now. Here are the lyrics:

Simón Bolívar, Simón,
Caracan American,
the soil of Venezuela
gave the force to your voice.
Simón Bolívar, Simón,
born of your Venezuela
And for all times, your voice
flies like a flame.
Like a flame that goes
lighting a sure path
on this soil, covered
with the dignified dead.

Simón Bolívar, Simón,
revived in the memories
which open other times of history —
the times await you, Simón.
Simón Bolívar, reason,
deep reason of the people,
before everything is buried,
let’s go again, Simón.
Simón Bolívar, Simón,
in the south, the friendly voice
is the voice of José Artigas*,
who was also in the right!

Translation mine.

*José Artigas is the Uruguayan equivalent to Bolívar; he is one of the Liberators of the Southern Cone (hence the “friendly voice in the South”). He is also a national hero of Argentina.

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