Festive Left Friday Blogging: The Return of a Friend

Fidel Castro — perhaps you’ve heard of him? — introduces a song by Raúl Torres, in honor of a good friend of Fidel’s. Here are the lyrics:

In a friend’s goodbye there is a delayed farewell
Words that freeze, wishes to have already said them
Tears that can’t be shed because you can’t accept that he’s gone
Pain turned into glory, an extended dawning.
For the departure of a friend who brought us back laughter
There are no definitive, final farewells of ashes
Such an aching heart won’t believe in the taking
Of death which has tried to stain his red shirt.
All the tenderness of this friend dispersed on the breeze
Of a people who had been asleep,
Of an America broken to bits
No one thinks he’s gone, it was just a wee moment at Mass
And he’ll be back with Sandino, with Che, Martí and Bolívar
That trace the friend left behind, that antidote of life
Against the serpent that dreams of a divided America
He who raised up the beggars and shared his food
His way of living will never be measured.
All the friends of the friend have a soul embroidered
With the phrases he uttered with a good-natured smile
No one thinks he’s gone, it was just a wee moment at Mass
And he’ll be back with Sandino, with Che, Martí and Bolívar.

Translation mine.

Good luck trying to keep a dry eye, too.

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