Rafael Correa connects the dots


The crapaganda mafia of the North American media aren’t known for their honesty in reporting on Latin America. It takes nothing less than an interview with a Bolivarian head of state to set the record straight, and even then, who knows how much of this they may have censored, because it cuts awfully close to the bone:

The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, gave an interview on CNN’s Spanish-language channel, in which he alerted the public to constant destabilization efforts taking place against progressive governments throughout Latin America.

Correa made the remark after journalist Ana Pastor asked him about the political situation in Venezuela, where ex-candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski refuses to accept defeat following the the presidential elections of April 14, in which Nicolás Maduro won with 50.78% of the vote.

“Every day, we confront destabilization processes [in the region]. There is permanent putschism, don’t be fooled,” said the Ecuadorian president, whom Pastor interviewed on April 20, while Correa was on a tour of Europe.

Correa listed the coups d’état, failed and successful, which have occurred during the 21st century. They began in April 2002, against the government of Hugo Chávez, and continued in Bolivia, against Evo Morales, in 2008. Both coups failed.

In 2009, the putschists succeeded in toppling Zelaya in Honduras. In 2010 they tried to topple Correa without success, and most recently, there was a successful coup in Paraguay, in 2012, against Fernando Lugo.

“Four of those cases were governments of the Bolivarian Alliance for the People of Our America (ALBA), and all five were progressive. Do you believe that’s a coincidence? When will we see such an attempt on the governments of the right?” Correa asked.

Correa concluded that the defeated ex-candidate [Capriles] “is a putschist, and so are all the Venezuelan right. Look at the role Capriles played in 2002 in the coup against Chávez.”

At that time, Capriles led the assault on the Cuban embassy in Caracas, and supported the dismantling of the Venezuelan institutions [as per the Carmona Decree].

Correa reiterated that there have always been plans to destabilize Venezuela’s democracy, in spite of the transparency of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and all the other institutions in the land.

“We have no reason to doubt the results released by the CNE. Venezuela has one of the most modern electoral systems in the world, all electronic, and for that reason, it’s a bit absurd to do a recount of the votes. It was a free, transparent, democratic process, and there is a winner, and now it’s time for everyone to unite behind him,” Correa said.

Correa said that his Venezuelan counterpart is “an extremely capable, patriotic, hardworking and honest man.”

“The Maduro government is based on Bolivarian principles, the same line as Hugo Chávez. So in that, there is much in common, and with Ecuador too, because we are inspired by similar principles,” Correa added.

Translation mine.

So there you go. This is why Latin American governments (even that of Mexican right-winger Enrique Peña Nieto) have stepped up to recognize the Maduro presidency, while the US (and, even more shamefully, Canada) are still pretending it was too close to call, or some such — and therefore, not deigning to recognize a freely and fairly elected leader. They’d rather “recognize” a putschist who did this:

…because that putschist attacked the embassy of a country the US has had no luck in destabilizing and reeling back into its sphere of influence, ever since the failed attack on the Bay of Pigs.

Frankly, Capriles should have been in jail, and declared permanently ineligible to run for office. But Chavecito’s irrepressible confidence in his democratic government and social programs was such that they could afford to let him run loose and trip over himself, I guess. And Maduro is just as confident, with just as much cause. The election result has borne that out. Some fucking dictatorship, eh?

Meanwhile, Rafael Correa has also connected some dots that the major media (who overwhelmingly toot the horn for right-wing candidates) will never touch: Why has there never been a coup against a right-wing government, much less a successful one? That’s simple: the US doesn’t back that kind. The last actual one that happened was Chavecito’s failed military uprising of 1992. And it landed Chavecito in jail for a couple of years. When he emerged again, in 1994, he was such a popular folk hero that he didn’t have to try for another rebellion. He had only to run for office, and he won.

Which is something that you will never see a Capriles Radonski do, even though he has powerful media connections in his own family, plus the entire crapaganda apparatus of the corporate media at home and in North America, working day and night to try to push the bullshit narrative that he is the popular one. Sorry, Majunche, you ain’t got the juice. The people know it; the other presidents know it; the world knows it.

How much longer before the crapagandarati get that message…and actually report it?

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One Response to Rafael Correa connects the dots

  1. JimJim says:

    Never, ever. Not until the proletariat of the US rise up against the new oligarchy and elect a socialist government. Then the government will be too busy straightening out the mess that the capitalists and their lackeys have made that it won’t have time to do anything for a while except get along with everybody in the world. Which would really, really be nice.

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