Oliver Stone and Chavecito in happier days. According to the current president of Venezuela, fans of the late leader will soon be in for a treat, one that will bring those happy days back…on screen, at least:
US filmmaker Oliver Stone is making a film about the life of Hugo Chávez, the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, said President Nicolás Maduro on Thursday.
“It’s a new film about Comandante Chávez, which will surely be completed in the months ahead,” said the president on the “Bolivarian Dialogue” program, broadcast from the housing development “Aves de Yucatán”, in the state of Lara.
Maduro also mentioned that the filmmaker will be visiting the country again to show his last film, which deals with the history of US imperialism.
Translation mine.
Here’s hoping it gets bundled as a DVD with South of the Border. I’m gonna be looking for it when it hits the stores…