The first family of Ecuador is a real bunch of overachievers. Not content to be the daughter of a smart, good-looking head of state, El Ecuadorable’s daughter is a leader in her own right…and in a difficult sport, at that:
Sofía Correa, daughter of Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa, won a gold medal on Monday in rock-climbing at the Bolivarian Games, which are taking place in Trujillo, Peru.
The medal is the second one for the 19-year-old athlete. Last Saturday, she won bronze in the same discipline.
“My goal was difficulty and I won gold in this and third place in block. For this sport you need technique and resistance. I feel I’ve gone up several levels in the last three months, and I’m very happy and motivated,” Correa said.
With this win, Ecuador stands in third place in the medal rankings, with 53 gold, 50 silver, and 65 bronze, for a total of 168.
Translation mine.
Here are Sofía’s presidential parents, cheering her on:
And here’s the proud papa, congratulating the golden girl afterwards:
Viva Sofía Correa, ¡carajo!