Protesters hold up cardboard tombstones and coffins at Álvaro Uribe as he gives a speech. And that’s not all that he got…read on:
Colombian ex-president and senate candidate Álvaro Uribe Vélez was received with flying tomatoes in the central square of Soacha, Cundinamarca, by a large group of residents who shouted “murderer” and held him responsible for the “false positives” which left hundreds missing during his rule.
Young members of the Party of the Tomato, who have distinguished themselves by throwing tomatoes at logos and public institutions, awaited the arrival of the ex-leader.
While he was speaking on stage, a group of persons in the first row, held back by police, shouted at Uribe, holding up cardboard replicas of coffins.
Along with the tomatoes, the crowd shouted obscenities at Uribe, while members of his security team protected him with shields, along with a squadron of riot police. The demonstrators were later surrounded by police.
The town of Soacha was epicentre of a terrible tragedy, given that many innocent young people were kidnapped there and taken to other regions of the land, to be murdered and dressed in camouflage uniforms to make them look like guerrillas fallen in combat.
This co-ordinated criminal act was called a “false positive”, and occurred during the presidency of the now-aspiring senate candidate.
It is the second time the ex-president was rebuffed by a community in the last three days, thus facing some very awkward moments in his congressional campaign.
Last Saturday, in Tunja, Boyacá, a group of peasants tried to confront the ex-president, blaming him for high gasoline prices and the implementation of various free-trade agreements during his reign.
Translation mine.
I’m astonished by El Narco’s chutzpah, appearing in towns where his paramilitary goons kidnapped and later killed young locals to make it look like he was fighting a good fight against the evil, wicked FARC and ELN guerrillas. I guess evil really does know no shame.
But hey: He at least got some unmistakable evidence that he’s not wanted there. May all the rotten produce hit its mark!