Music for a Sunday: I photographed you with my Rolleiflex

João Gilberto sings “Desafinado”. The title means “Off Key”, and it’s actually supposed to sound like that. But meticulous artist that he is, João is in fact perfectly on, even when he sounds a little off. He seems off-beat, too, but listen carefully — he meant to do that. “This is bossa nova, this is totally natural.” Indeed.

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2 Responses to Music for a Sunday: I photographed you with my Rolleiflex

  1. Peter Lackowski says:

    Eleazar Díaz Rangel, director of Últimas Noticias, one of the biggest daily newspapers in Venezuela, writes “this has never been seen, in any epoch of the history of humanity, against any country, not even against Germany in the second world war.”

    Three big newspaper chains, 82 papers across Latin America, devote a full page every day to trashing Chavismo and Maduro’s government, generally with “misinformation”. Of course it is just as bad in North America, Europe, and especially Spain. The purpose is clearly to try to force Maduro out of the presidency.

    The whole editorial is at—eleazar-diaz-rangel/-cambio-de-regimen-.aspx

    It is interesting that his own paper contributes to this. My impression is that while ÚN is not as bad as some, there is a distinct bias. I wish he would act on his observation and try a little harder to set the record straight.

    He has more to say, it’s worth checking out.

  2. Peter Lackowski says:

    Here is my translation of the editorial that has to do with the campaign of disinformation. (There is more to the editorial but it is about other matters.) See the brief bio at the end. Díaz Rangel is highly respected in the world of Venezuelan journalism.


    “Regime Change”

    By Eleazar Diaz Rangel

    Published in Últimas Noticias (One of the largest daily newspapers of Venezuela)

    Sunday, March 3, 2014

    Never, since 1830, has any Venezuelan government been the object of a media campaign like the current one against Hugo Chávez and, especially, in recent months against President Nicolas Maduro. A deformed version of the reality of Venezuela has been denounced in the majority of the foreign media, the dispatches of the news agencies, and television services–starting with CNN–that decisively influence their users.

    All of the polls that are conducted in Spain, for example, reveal that a very high percentage of its citizens have the worst opinions of our country, of Chávez, and of the government, a situation which is repeated in the majority of Latin American countries, in the United States, and many European countries.

    This campaign has now been joined by three major chains of Latin American newspapers which have agreed to publish a page every day about (against) Venezuela in their 82 affiliated newspapers. This has never been seen before, not in any epoch in the history of humanity, not even against Germany in the second world war.

    Of course every day they wrote about the war against the Nazis, but never as the product of a resolution by some organization. Now the management of some Venezuelan papers are joining this campaign, devoting a page every day to writing against the government. Can you imagine what this means in Latin America?

    How are we to interpret this? It is certainly not to better inform the public; it is evident that their purpose is to misinform, in an organized way, intending to go beyond journalism and beyond the truth. The question is not how long will this go on, it seems that they are acting in accordance with the slogan,”Until the government falls.”

    A decision that so many newspapers have committed themselves to, those with the biggest circulation in the region, can not be explained if it not through the lines of communication that some of those organizations (GDA–Grupo de Diarios America, Andidiarios–Asociación Colombiana de Editores de Diarios y Medios Informativos and PAL–Periódicos Asociados Latinoamericanos) have with the centers of world power.*

    *See article by Gary Leech at

    Eleazar Díaz Rangel is a journalist who graduated from the Central University of Venezuela. Winner of the National Journalism Award with mention in various specialties. He has been the director of the newspaper Últimas Noticias since 2001. Retired Tenured Professor of the Central University of Venezuela, he led the school of social communication from 1983 to 1986. President of the television station VTV 1994-1996. President of the Venezuelan Association of Journalists.

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