Stupid Sex Tricks: Fellatio, Catholic style


Ladies! Have you ever wondered how to go down on your man without sinning? Never fear, there is a way! The Archbishop of Granada is your new sex guru:

Francisco Javier Martínez, the archbishop of Granada, Spain, gives advice to Catholic women on how to avoid sinning when performing oral sex on their partners.

“Women may perform fellatio on their husbands whenever they ask. But when they do so, they must think of Jesus in order not to turn perverted. Remember that you are not a pervert,” he says.

The prelate has already generated controversy with his book, “Marry and Submit”, published last December in Europe.

Ladies, don’t stop reading!

Translation mine.

“Close your eyes and think of Jesus”? Kinky! I wonder which hot Jesus from the movies I should think of. Oh, decisions, decisions…

I also wonder if the archbishop gives men similar advice regarding the Virgin Mary. Hey, it IS a natural form of birth control!

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One Response to Stupid Sex Tricks: Fellatio, Catholic style

  1. Peter Lackowski says:

    A couple of things to look at on

    First, a complete account of who has been killed along with a balanced discussion of where the violence is coming from.

    Understanding the Facts on Violence and Human Rights in Venezuela’s Unrest

    Second, the whole of an article on the unprecedented misinformation campaign being carried out in a coordinated way by 82 South American newspapers, written by a highly respected journalist. (I quoted from this in an earlier comment.)

    Regime Change

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