No, Maricori hasn’t suffered any violence at the hands of anyone lately. If she had, she wouldn’t be able to see out of those eyes, much less glare like that. Nobody has laid a finger on her. This photo is not meant to be taken literally. She just got her second metaphorical black eye of the week, at the hands of a group of Europarliament deputies:
On Wednesday, several Euro-deputies denounced in an open letter the “lobby” against the government of Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro, which according to them is being brought by opposition member María Corina Machado in the Europarliament.
“We denounce before international public opinion the intent being carried out these days of seeking support in the European Parliament for putschist manoeuvres against the legitimate, democratic government of Venezuela”, state the signatories of the letter.
They are the Spanish Euro-deputies Vicente Garcés, Dolores García Hierro and Andrés Perelló, all of the PSOE, and Willy Meyer of the IU, as well as Italian liberal Gianni Vattimo.
Machado and the director of the TV news channel NTN25, Claudia Gurusatti, appeared this week before the External Affairs Commission of the European Parliament, and met with representatives of various parliamentary groups.
According to the signatories, “the European right-wing is using the Parliament to take positions which violate the efforts toward peaceful national dialogue, made by the government of Venezuela and the regional institutions of Latin America.”
They state that Machado “supported the failed coup d’état against president Hugo Chávez in 2002”.
The Venezuelan opposition member asked the Europarliament to send a delegation of deputies to her country to “see firsthand the repression of the Maduro government”.
Translation mine.
So it’s not just Willy Meyer now, but several others…and not only from Spain, but Italy as well.
At this rate, Maricori shouldn’t be too surprised when the Europarliament decides to do what the OAS did when she pretended to represent Panama, and ignore her blatant, and increasingly clownish, media show.