Maricori’s European flop

That’s Euro-deputy Willi Meyer, talking to Telesur about the latest unwelcome incursions of a certain crappy politico from Venezuela. Not content with her epic fail in Panama’s seat at the OAS, and her pitiful attempt to get back into her former parliamentary seat in Caracas, Maricori has found a new outlet for her increasingly desperate frustrations:

Willy Meyer, the vice-president of the External Affairs Commission of the European Parliament, rejected yesterday’s visit by Venezuelan ex-deputy María Corina Machado, which was part of her agenda to discredit the government of Nicolás Maduro and promote foreign interference in Venezuela.

Meyer lamented that space had been given in this instance to Machado, whom he characterized “as having taken a putschist step and who is always inspiring violence, instead of promoting a poltical dialogue.”

“It is inadmissible to use the Parliament and the External Affairs Commission to give a platform to putschists, who incite violence,” Meyer said.

In an interview with Telesur, Meyer called Machado’s speech a media circus, and questioned to commission for permitting the ex-deputy to participate in the European Parliament.

Meyer also denounced that with this tour of Europe, María Machado is seeking support from the right-wing and the “troika” formed by the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, and the European Community.

Translation mine.

So Maricori hasn’t yet given up trying to convert Venezuela back to the imperial system, and she’s going straight back to the imperial roots in Europe to try to drum up support for her failing efforts. On the bright side, she’s had no success in the Americas, beyond Washington and Miami (and, shamefully, Panama); everyone else has been shutting their doors and plugging their ears the moment they saw her long face coming.

No word on how the Troika received her. Probably they’re too embarrassed to talk about it; I would be, in their collective shoes.

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