Sorry-not-sorry, MariCori!


“Take this, so the Venezuelans end up eating shit!”

“Don’t worry, Doctor…I already have them accustomed to that!”

Remember that time MariCori went to Colombia, with a phony whiplash collar on to make it look like she was some kind of victim, and to stir up sympathy where it made no difference anyway? Looks like she won’t be able to get away with THAT again:

María Corina Machado will not be able to leave Venezuela, since the 16th Control Tribunal of Caracas has prohibited her from doing so.

Judge Adriana López heard the petition, made by the Public Ministry.

The order has already been received by the Administrative Service of Identification, Migration and Foreign Travel (SAIME), according to sources from the organism.

The decision was sustained in the possibility that Machado could flee the land.

Last Monday, Machado spent eight hours in a hearing with the Public Ministry due to an investigation of an assassination plan in Venezuela.

Translation mine.

Recall that MariCori has long been involved in right-wing putschist activities in Venezuela. She signed the infamous Carmona declaration of 2002, the same that abolished ALL of Venezuela’s democratic institutions and guarantees. Later, she stupidly claimed she thought it was just a sign-in sheet. Which begs the question: Are all rich twits in Venezuela functionally illiterate? Or is it just the fascist opposition leaders who are that dumb…when they’re not busy thinking that everyone else is, too?

Oh well, whatever. At least now, she can’t escape justice. Pity they couldn’t have stopped her before she made an ass of herself in Panama’s seat at the OAS, or on Parliament Hill up here.

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