Music for a Sunday: The bullet in the chamber of the gun

The other day, the lead singer of this band got into a spot of tweeter trouble for telling nothing worse than the truth. He’ll probably get into it again if the feds read the lyrics to this song, even though it’s not nearly as damning and scary as what Justin Bourque posted on his Facebook right before he went on a murderous rampage that none dare call terrorism.

BTW, Bourque is set to be sentenced for that tomorrow. Let’s see if the media uses the T-word then to describe him, or whether the fact that he’s not a Muslim will give him a metaphorical get-out-of-jail-free card in the court of public opinion. (UPDATE: They didn’t. Quel surprise!)

Also, Stars has a new record out just this week. I’m very proud to say I bought it the day it was released, because their last offering (on which the above song figures) was truly top-notch, and I knew this one would be worth it. And proud, too, to see a fellow Canadian using his free speech rights to condemn what SHOULD be condemned by us all.

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