More fallout from the Ghomeshi affair at CBC

Ahem. Some music, maestro:

Ah, that was lovely. And now, the story:

The executive producer of Q is leaving the CBC Radio show in the aftermath of the scandal involving its former host, Jian Ghomeshi.

A CBC spokesman says Arif Noorani will return to work at the public broadcaster next Monday after his leave of absence.

“In light of all that has happened over the last two weeks and the ongoing investigation, Arif has asked for a reassignment out of the Q unit, and management supports the move,” said Chuck Thompson, head of public affairs for CBC English services. “He will be working on various projects within CBC Radio including the development of a new show.”

That’s good news for Q, I suppose, although it comes too late for the women who suffered the sexualized tyranny of the Shah and his enablers there. Frankly, the CBC needs to clean house in a major way, and not just move chairs around. But we will see what that internal investigation turns up…and if it shows what I anticipate it will, the song I posted will be a lot more than just my ’80s CanCon nostalgia at work.

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