That works out to just 1,380 convictions per year, with 458,620 assailants walking. Shocking, innit?
And for how that fits into the experiences of women in the criminal justice system as a whole, here’s StatsCan’s most recent data.
That works out to just 1,380 convictions per year, with 458,620 assailants walking. Shocking, innit?
And for how that fits into the experiences of women in the criminal justice system as a whole, here’s StatsCan’s most recent data.
Fear doesn't travel well; just as it can warp judgment, its absence can diminish memory's truth. What terrifies one generation is likely to bring only a puzzled smile to the next. --Arthur Miller, "Why I Wrote 'The Crucible'", The New Yorker, October 21, 1996
All opinions here are the brain-wrackings of Sabina C. Becker, unless otherwise credited. If you cite them, please give credit where due.
Suck it, haters. Feminism rocks!