Diosdado Cabello warns of violent replays in Venezuela


Diosdado Cabello, the president of the Venezuelan National Assembly, on his VTV weekly show. He’s in military uniform because, like Chavecito behind him, he’s a former officer of the Venezuelan army. And because this past February 4, the nation celebrated the anniversary of the failed uprising of 1992 against the government of Carlos Andrés Pérez, who betrayed Venezuela by going back on his campaign promises and obeying the dictates of the IMF to disastrous effect, resulting in the Caracazo of 1989. Pérez was elected, but did the opposite of what he was elected to do, so trying to topple him, however abortively, was a heroic act. What has happened since the last presidential election in Venezuela, on the other hand, could not be further removed from the courageous deeds of February 4, 1992. The violence of last February is being replayed this year, warns Cabello, by people with the same craven economic interests as the late, unlamented Pérez. Here’s the rundown on what’s been going on, and who is behind it all:

The president of the Venezuelan national assembly, Diosdado Cabello, alerted of new violent actions in San Cristóbal, Tachira, intended to re-enact the events of February 2014 as part of the plan called “La Salida” (The Exit), which left 43 persons killed and more than 800 injured.

On his weekly VTV show Con el Mazo Dando, Cabello indicated that the actions were initiated by a group which is composed of “persons coming from Caracas to take part in violent actions, and in complicity with vigilantes and administrative rectoral authorities of the National Experimental University of Táchira (UNET), to kick off the month of February with an escalation of violence and aggressive protests.”

Cabello added that they were found working in the chemical laboratories of that institution, trying to make explosive artifacts, in order to generate chaos and fear in the land.

In his address, the parliamentary president stated that these actions are led by director Jesús Gómez Trejo, who on Monday paid a “visit to the offices of the UCAT (Catholic University of Táchira) and UNET, inviting them to attend the gathering and march on February 12 in San Cristóbal.”

In the first semester of 2014, the state of Táchira was victim to violent attacks orchestrated by sectors of the Venezuelan right, seeking to destabilize the land and bring down the president of the republic, Nicolás Maduro, legitimately elected in April 2013.

Cabello also alerted of new right-wing actions to continue the economic war which began in 2013, to attempt to disrupt the production of sugar.

“Members of the Sugarcane Growers’ Association of Venezuela and the Federation of Sugarcane Growers of Venezuela (FESOCA) are exerting pressure to paralize the machinery and the work in the fields. Behing that there is a well known man, with the surname Zubillaga, a distant cousin of the Zubillagas who own Farmatodo, who is going around telling the peasants that they won’t be paid next payday, so they will stop harvesting sugarcane,” said Cabello.

As part of the strategy of these right-wing sectors, FESOCA has called for a demonstration in Guanare, in the state of Portuguesa, on Thursday, starting from the Espiga monument and ending at the offices of the Ministry for Agriculture and Lands.

Cabello reminded that with these actions, the Venezuelan right is trying to create scarcities of this staple, “even though they are receiving financial aid from the Bolivarian government!”

Cabello denounced the representatives of the Venezuelan right who are holding meetings in the exterior, seeking to bring down the government of Nicolás Maduro.

He stated that on January 19, the mayor of El Hatillo, David Smolansky, and the co-ordinator of the party Voluntad Popular, Freddy Guevara, flew to Miami to meet with Carlos Vecchio, a fugitive from Venezuelan justice for violent crimes committed in the first trimester of 2014, to seek international support and call for the liberation of Leopoldo López, who is currently incarcerated at Ramo Verde for his role in the violent acts of last year.

Between these meetings they also met with banker Eligio Cedeño, who is also a fugitive from justice for obtaining US dollars through fraud, as well as retired general Antonio Rivero.

Cabello added that this month Lilian Tintori, López’s wife, is slated to go before the UN and the OAS “as part of the actions to exert pressure from outside” on Venezuelan justice.

Cabello also informed of the meetings of Miguel Henrique Otero, director of the newspaper El Nacional, in Cartagena, Colombia, with former Colombian president Andrés Pastrana, as well as trips made by Jesús “Chuo” Torrealba, the secretary-general of the so-called Democratic Unity Table (MUD), in which he met with MUD representatives in Europe, and some other Venezuelans.

Cabello also pointed out that Otero will be travelling to Spain to meet with representatives of the Socialist Workers’ Party of Spain (PSOE) and Popular Party (PP) as “part of the program of attack against the Bolivarian government, in order to keep talking about ‘human rights’ and ‘freedom of expression’.”

Translation mine.

So you can see a lot of familiar names there in the mix. Yes, the Usual Suspects are at it again, and gosh, it’s just like last year. Only this year, there’s a difference: One of the principals, Prettyboy Leo, is in jail; meanwhile, Maricori is also awaiting trial for her part in last February’s violent putsch. But of course, a great many criminals and banksters abroad are still supporting this failed right-wing activity materially and vocally. One would think they’d get tired of that, but they’re fools. And we all know what fools never do, don’t, we boys?

No indeed.

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