Celerino Castillo busted his ass in the 1980s trying to get to the bottom of the Nicaraguan cocaine trafficking networks in Central America. Imagine his horror when he found out that the very same US government he was working for was actually behind it all, and not in a small way. That the cocaine was being imported into the US, where it was converted into crack and laid waste to entire inner-city neighborhoods, primarily black ones. And that his own agency, the Drug Enforcement Agency, was being used as a false front by the CIA, who were in the illicit operations up to their eyeballs, along with a group of well-known “assets”: death-squad leaders and terrorists and goons who have the strangest habit of popping up all over Latin America like sinister Jacks-in-the-box, leaving trails of death and destruction wherever they go. Cele Castillo saw it all, and has been persecuted for telling the truth about it ever since.
So, when asked to comment about the DEA’s latest “star witness” to supposed cocaine trafficking in Latin America, and specifically in Venezuela, of course Castillo isn’t surprised to see a traitor with US ties in the mix. Nor would it surprise him at all to learn that the traitor, Leamsy Salazar, may well be an assassin himself:
“The CIA has always used the DEA as its bastard son to hide its crimes.” The speaker is none other than former DEA agent Celerino “Cele” Castillo, who denounced the criminal activities of the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in El Salvador.
Asked about the Venezuelan Leamsy Salazar, former bodyguard of Hugo Chávez who is now seeking asylum in the US, Castillo did not hesitate an instant, and said: “I witnessed many murders by the CIA. I have archives of cases and passports from the individuals who were killed.”
Leamsy José Salazar Villafaña, the Venezuelan traitor officer who confessed to having informed to the DEA, raised the suspicions of his current boss, Venezuelan national assembly president Diosdado Cabello, and was removed from service, and later fled. He is now suspected of having been part of a possible plot to assassinate Chávez with induced cancer.
Corvette captain Salazar, 40 years of age, was collaborating with the DEA “from mid-2013”, according to sources close to the DEA and right-wing media. The date is hardly credible.
Castillo is the former DEA investigator who saw with his own eyes and denounced how Posada Carriles, under cover of the CIA and the DEA as well, led an operation trafficking weapons in exchange for cocaine at the Salvadoran airbase at Ilopango.
In the 1980s, Castillo denounced the Reagan/Bush administrations as accomplices in narcotrafficking and contraband weapons trafficking. Bipartisan investigations in the House and the Senate confirmed his allegations against the US government.
“While I was in Central America as a DEA agent, we were accustomed to CIA operatives like Randy Capister and Victor Rivera. They paid Rivera $5,000 a month to use his death squad (made up of Venezuelans) in El Salvador.
“The gang assassinated a major of the Salvadoran army. They captured him in Guatemala and later took him to El Salvador and tortured him in order to finally kill him. They told us he was trying to escape.”
Victor “Zacarias” Rivera Aguaje later became an advisor to the Guatemalan Ministry of the Government in the Colom administration.
In 2008, a Guatemalan reporter interviewed Celerino Castillo about the topic. “The President of Guatemala fired Rivera. A week later he was killed, along with his secretary. The FBI moved quickly to investigate the murder because Victor was a documented agent of the CIA.”
The murder of “Zacarias” took place on April 7, 2008, at about 11 p.m., when he got into his car on Vista Hermosa Boulevard in Guatemala City, along with his aide, María Melgar.
Celerino Castillo has directly tied “Zacarias” to the CIA operation directed by Posada Carilles at Ilopango, where they met with Félix Rodríguez Mindigutía, a known CIA terrorist agent said to be the killer of Che Guevara.
Castillo resides in Texas, and is constantly harassed by the federal authorities.
In 2009, the federal prosecutor, Johnny “House of Death” Sutton, managed to put him on trial in San Antonio, Texas, for an ordinary purchase of a weapon without a licence, something which is common in that state. In August 2009, Castillo was sentenced to 37 months in prison, thanks to the complicity of a corrupt judge, Royal Furgeson.
Celerino Castillo documents many of his investigations on his website, Powderburns.org.
Translation mine.
So, Cele Castillo wouldn’t be shocked if Leamsy Salazar turned out to be another Luis Posada Carriles? Well, neither would I. Let’s recall that Posada was, for a time and under a pseudonym, a chief of the infamous Venezuelan political police, the DISIP, at a time when leftists were kidnapped, tortured and “disappeared” in that country. How an ex-Cuban terrorist could make it to a top job in the secret police of a country not his own may seem a head-scratcher in itself, but the trail of dead bodies behind him is no mystery, and neither is his impunity. Luis Posada Carriles is a fanatical right-wing psychopath. Of course there will be deaths in his wake. The man’s a veritable Grim Reaper, and the fact that he’s the US’s Grim Reaper is clear from the way he’s been coddled by the justice system since he illegally showed up in Miami. Considering that the US normally hunts illegal immigrants down like vermin, that’s highly unusual. But it’s perfectly explicable when you remember that the CIA protects its loyal assets. And Posada is nothing if not loyal! So it’s no wonder that he got shoehorned into that plum job at the DISIP. He was a bastard, and he was Washington’s bastard.
And now Leamsy Salazar has shown where his own true loyalties lie. It should be fun to watch him dissolve under the harsh spotlight as revelations of his illegal activities in Venezuela come to light. I can hardly wait.