First, the one for the history books:
Yes, that’s right: After more than half a century of US stupidity and embargos in a futile effort to break the Revolution, there is finally a Cuban embassy open in the US again. And no, Cuba did not have to change governments to get one, either.
By now it’s quite clear that the Brothers Castro are NOT the blood-slurping boogymen they’ve so frequently been made out to be. And it’s now obvious that the island’s socialist medical system and universal literacy and education programs are to be envied and copied, not disparaged. The heroes of the recent Ebola virus crisis in Africa were the Cuban medical teams to went in to help the locals get the outbreak under control. And Cuba’s recently developed anti-cancer vaccines have the most noted researchers in the US sitting up and taking notice, too. And thanks to the normalization of relations, they’re getting a chance to learn more about them. With any luck, the US will finally get a true picture of Cuba now that they’re on speaking terms again.
Now, from the sublime, to the ridiculous…the sublimely ridiculous:
The other day, the KKK, local neo-Nazis, and other assorted losers of the War Between the States converged on the statehouse in South Carolina. Their widdle rally wouldn’t have been complete without musical accompaniment: in this case, an inspired young sousaphonist who kept pace with their dumpy march, then broke into a farty “Ride of the Valkyries”, from Wagner’s Nibelungenring cycle.
Guys, I really think it’s time you relinquished all this Stars ‘n’ Bars stupidity. That war was over a century and a half ago. Face facts: YOU LOST. The South ain’t gonna rise again. Time to pick your corn-fed butts up and move on.