Argentina: Macri gets booed and egged


Mauricio Macri really is the Donald Drumpf of Argentina, and nowhere does it show more than in his own actions, which reek of contempt for the common people…unless, of course, you’re talking about his popularity levels, in which case it’s even worse:

In Argentina, a group of demonstrators booed and threw eggs at president Mauricio Macri during a speech in Merlo, in the eastern province of Buenos Aires.

The events took place on Thursday, when the Argentine president tried to exit a local school, where shortly before, along with municipal and provincial authorities, he had inaugurated a digital lecture hall.

According to local media, at the end of the ceremony, the president was booed by a group of demonstrators carrying placards reading “Macri = Repression”. The indignant people threw eggs and there were shoving matches even among the demonstrators themselves.

According to the same sources, the local residents approached the school door and began to display their signs so that the dignitaries could read their recriminations and know the situation of Merlo.

When police agents who were on guard noticed the number of placards, they acted violently to silence the demonstrators. As a result of their blows, several local residents were injured and two of the demonstrators were detained, they said.

Macri has been faced with criticism and demonstrations all over Argentina ever since adopting a series of “reform measures” — in particular in the economic and labor sectors — after his installation in the Casa Rosada.

However, the Macri administration believes that the new decisions “are urgent and necessary” for the people in an effort to be able to counteract, according to allegations, the negative effect of plans developed by the previous Kirchnerist governments.

The news came to light on the same day that a new study, carried out by the General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses in the city of Buenos Aires, pointed out that inflation in Argentina has been rising since Macri’s accession to power, and is now at 13.1%.

“He isn’t making the same effort to resolve any problems as others. Not having a program to combat inflation at this level is really inconceivable,” lamented Margarita Stolbitzer, director of the Argentine Generation for a National Encounter.

At the start of the current month, new polls revealed that the president’s popularity level had fallen notably during the month of February.

Translation mine.

And in case you’re wondering where all that bit about the inflation rates comes from, here’s the booing he got when he blamed the Kirchners (the late Néstor Kirchner, and his widow, Cristina Fernández) for the problem that he himself is doing nothing about:

That was on March 1 of this year. The outrage you’re hearing comes from parliamentary deputies of the Kirchners’ party. It’s quite a joke that he expects to be respected when he shows none for anyone else, eh?

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