Now here’s something you don’t see every day: A number of Iowa farmers who voted for Drumpf are now being given concrete cause to regret that misguided choice: their lands are being seized and stripped of topsoil under a misuse of eminent domain so that the DAPL pipeline can be run through. And they are fighting back.
Now, maybe a few little farmers in a sparsely-populated state don’t seem like much of a groundswell in the growing resistance. But as they become politically aware — and they are finding themselves forced into it as they realize who’s behind that pipeline, and how they’re connected to the fraudster these farmers voted for — there’s a good chance that these guys are going to come for Drumpf’s hide with pitchforks. At the very least, it’s only a matter of time before they’ll be joining their indigenous neighbors in North Dakota, and the two currently separate streams of resistance converge.