This happened last night. Jordan Chariton (reporter) and Ty Bayliss (videographer) were arrested by St. Louis police, apparently for filming them during a Black Lives Matter protest in the city. (For context, the protest is one of several following the acquittal of Jason Stockley, an officer who intentionally killed a black suspect, Anthony Lamar Smith, in 2011 during a police chase, in which a gun and drugs were planted in the victim’s car by the arresting officers.)
The video speaks for itself: Nobody protesting was the least bit violent. This was strictly a show of force by the cops, right in line with the cops shouting “Whose streets? OUR streets” when they kettled a group of demonstrators on September 18. The last minute or so is without sound, as the mikes were turned off, but the camera kept rolling.
Here’s a follow-up after the journalists’ release from jail today: