Well, you know what they say about scum…it floats. And these slimeballs are the topmost layer on a very turbid pond of crapaganda.
I know from turbid ponds of crap. When I was six, seven years old, my family’s house was right next door to a sewage lagoon. Just uphill from it a few steps. It stank like hell in summer, and we kids skated on it in winter. (You haven’t lived until you’ve caught your toe picks on turds and toilet paper, folks.) Thankfully, Northern Ontario winters are much longer than Northern Ontario summers.
I wasn’t sorry we moved away from that place in the short time we did. It gave me an acute understanding, early on, of what it means to get the hell out of places that are literally too shitty to live in. And an early sense, too, of the inalienable human right to do so.
So, here I am again, living right next door to the world’s biggest sewage lagoon. I’m in Southern Ontario; New York state is right across the lake from me. And my country is, even as I type, receiving refugees from THAT country. Most of us are fine with that. Because those people know all too well what it means not only to live in shit, but be treated like it…and they just want to go someplace human, where they get to live among humans, and be treated themselves as humans. It’s not too much to ask.
But it apparently IS too much to ask of that shithole country that they fled to first, sadly believing that the verse on the pediment of the Statue of Liberty still holds true.
Yes, the US is a shithole. It’s not just me saying so. It’s every perceptive US-American with a heart and a brain, too. Even the UN is saying it.
But of course, the shitty scumbags up top are, as usual, denying it. To them, it’s The Greatest Country On Earth…and they sure as hell don’t want to move over and share their privileged perch with the people they were born shitting on. When ProPublica came out with audio of refugee children crying for the parents they’d been torn from, did these scumbags actually grow a human conscience for the first time in their unnatural lives? They did not. They accused the kids of faking. Of being “crisis actors”, as though children too young and too poor to read could give a scripted performance worthy of an Oscar. They claimed it was just a harmless summer camp. And of course, they call them criminals, deserving to be locked up in cages. Donnie is even blaming this deplorable situation — which only began on HIS watch — on the Democrats!
Where have we seen this before?
Well, being a Bad German, I already know the answer to this one.
Not far from München, that beautiful Bavarian capital city that I’ve visited so many times, there’s a big hill that didn’t always use to be there, near the Olympiapark. Locals call it der Schuttberg — literally, the rubble mountain. Because that’s what it is: it’s a hill of rubble, the product of wartime bombing. And when that rubble was bulldozed out of town during reconstruction, it all had to go somewhere…and that’s where it went. Eventually grass grew over it, and kids sometimes toboggan there in the winters, but nobody built on it. Because part of that rubble happens, also, to be the unsalvageable portions of the Dachau concentration camp.
Every German kid knows about those camps today, as they did not know when the camps were in operation. Back then, it was something you didn’t talk about if you knew what was good for you. You smelled the stench from the smokestacks, and if little kids asked what it was, you’d tell them it was just the sugar-beet syrup factory down the road. You may or may not have even believed it yourself. Even otherwise intelligent adults managed to convince themselves that it was just sugar-beet syrup, burning. And many were genuinely, truly clueless, and squeamish, and all too willing to believe the lie. The point was not to talk about it, and not to know what was really going on if you could help it. You kept your head down, went about your business, and didn’t say boo. Otherwise, you too could end up in the syrup.
This is how the Good Germans became complicit in war crimes. This is how they became complicit in crimes against humanity.
And now we see so-called Good Americans doing the exact same thing.
They’re making every excuse they can think of to belie the unthinkable. Even the lamest, dumbest, least plausible ones. Anything but admit that the smoke coming out of that chimney is not the essence of burnt sugar beets. The stench is unbearable, but no one wants to say shit, even when they’ve got a mouthful. They’re living on top of a hill of rubble, next to a sewage lagoon, and rather than doing something about it, they’re pretending to be the good, law-abiding ones, whose shit doesn’t stink. Even though their own prosperity depends heavily on keeping those other countries, the ones Donnie keeps calling shitholes, in poverty. Just as the capitalism of Nazi Germany depended heavily on the slave labor of imprisoned Jews — who, when they couldn’t work anymore in fetid conditions on a starvation diet, ended up in the sugar-beet syrup, so to speak.
But shhhh, we’re not supposed to speak of that.
Okay, time for some comic relief. Here’s Sam Seder, demolishing an absolute fucking idiot on the whole undocumented-immigration issue:
And yes, this idiot trots out all the tired talking points on how all undocumented immigrants are de facto criminals just because they didn’t have their puppy papers on hand to show at the border.
In other words, he’s one of the “Good American” scumbags, too.