Namely, fighting off and killing a band of Boko Haram terrorists:
In Nigeria, the Islamist terror group Boko Haram tried to attack the communities of Aatagara and Kawuri, but was instantly repulsed by a group of armed women.
Almost immediately, the community rallied to apprehend the insurgents. At least three of the terrorists succeeded in fleeing, but seven were arrested and executed. Local residents said that the initial attack occurred when the Boko Haram terrorists arrived in their villages on motorcycles.
History was already made on the morning after the victory, as some residents stated that the men were paralyzed by local talismans which protect women and children.
The first women came to fetch their local militia, which contained a number of armed women, who ran quickly to the scene, fought back, and executed the attackers. Mama Yakubu, a young woman who participated in the resistance, said that they had killed the terrorists, because the Boko Haram members didn’t talk when they were interrogated.
This is not the only time Boko Haram was repulsed by local resistance. Last month, about 200 militants were killed in combat in the Kala-Balge region of the State of Borno.
Translation mine.
Borno, you may recall, has been a site of intense fighting between insurgents and locals. Five years ago, a massacre took place there in the village of Konduga, when Boko Haram went about slaughtering Christians.
It is also the state in which the abduction of the schoolgirls of Chibok took place that same year. Many of those girls escaped and are now back with their families, but others were forcibly married off or killed, and are still missing. Some have since given birth to their abductors’ children.
So it seems a fitting, and downright karmic, turn of events when armed local women manage to do better at halting Boko Haram in a single day than the government and the army have done in five years.
I wish those women continued success.