All right, Jagmeet. I see you now.

This is some HUGE news for us Canadian progressives:

And no, Candice Fucking Nazi Bergen, it is NOT a “Liberal-NDP coalition”, nor does it mean the NDP are in charge. It means that they’ve dragged the Liberals back to where they as a party should be, which is centre-left. (Where have they actually been? Well, as David points out above, they’ve been in the same corner as the Conservatives on far too many points. Particularly the oil pipeline issue, which makes such far-right initiatives as “United We Roll”, AKA Freedumb Convoy 1.0, seem like a dirty, greasy joke.)

Anyhow, this is a move in the right direction. A bit too cautious, a bit too slow, a bit too bitty, but I’ll take progress from wherever I can get it right now. And so will the progressive actual majority of Canadians.

Nice work, Jagmeet.

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