Category Archives: Pissing Jesus Off

Fascism comes to US wrapped in a SCOTUS robe

So, uh, hi. Hello. How are you? I’m back, after a bit of a dry spell. And you’ll never guess what brought me, either. Or maybe you will, if the title hasn’t given it away. Yeah, it’s about THAT decision. … Continue reading

Posted in Fascism WITH Swastikas, Fascism Without Swastikas, Fetus Fetishists, Isn't That Illegal?, Isn't That Impeachable?, Law-Law Land, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Pissing Jesus Off, Sick Frickin' Bastards, The Hardcore Stupid, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on Fascism comes to US wrapped in a SCOTUS robe

What it’s like to have a miscarriage in Texas

Marlena Stell, founder and CEO of Makeup Geek Cosmetics, tells a harrowing story of what it’s like to have a wanted pregnancy go terribly wrong. In her case, it was the second time a pregnancy ended in miscarriage and required … Continue reading

Posted in Bullies, Fascism Without Swastikas, Fetus Fetishists, If You REALLY Care, Isn't That Illegal?, Men Who Just Don't Get It, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Pissing Jesus Off, She Blinded Me With Science, Sick Frickin' Bastards, The Hardcore Stupid, The United States of Amnesia, Uppity Wimmin | Comments Off on What it’s like to have a miscarriage in Texas

Fahrenheit 9/11: A full screening (and some random thoughts 20 years later)

This was actually broadcast yesterday, but in case you missed it, here it is in full (with Michael Moore doing a podcast beforehand, and a Q & A after): (If you just want to see the movie, fast-forward to minute … Continue reading

Posted in Angry Pacifist Speaks Her Mind, Artsy-Fartsy Culture Stuff, Banksters, Bullies, BushCo Death Watch, Canadian Counterpunch, Crapagandarati, Do As I Say..., Fascism Without Swastikas, Filthy Stinking Rich, Freeze Peach!, Human Rights FAIL, If You REALLY Care, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Isn't That Impeachable?, Isn't That Racist?, Isn't That Terrorism?, Newspeak is Nospeak, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Pissing Jesus Off, Sick Frickin' Bastards, The Hardcore Stupid, The United States of Amnesia, The War on Terra | Comments Off on Fahrenheit 9/11: A full screening (and some random thoughts 20 years later)

Quotable: Martin Luther on surviving the bubonic plague in the 1500s

Even half a millennium ago, some Christians understood how NOT to be a plague rat. Are you listening today, evangelicals?

Posted in Confessions of a Bad German, Epidumbics, If You REALLY Care, Pissing Jesus Off, Quotable Notables, She Blinded Me With Science | Comments Off on Quotable: Martin Luther on surviving the bubonic plague in the 1500s

Couple who worked in a residential school denounce horrors they witnessed

From CBC’s YouTube channel: Nancy Dyson and Dan Rubenstein worked at St. Michael’s Indian Residential School on Vancouver Island in 1970 as child-care workers. They say after speaking out about neglect and abuse at the school to federal authorities they … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Counterpunch, Human Rights FAIL, Isn't That Racist?, Pissing Jesus Off, Teh Injunz | Comments Off on Couple who worked in a residential school denounce horrors they witnessed

Crappy, CRAPPY Canada Day.

Yes, I know. This is a bit belated. But better now than never, eh? So. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t celebrate this year. Partly because of COVID, partly the shitty weather in my neck of the boonies. … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Counterpunch, Confessions of a Bad German, Human Rights FAIL, If You REALLY Care, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Racist?, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Pissing Jesus Off, Sick Frickin' Bastards, Teh Injunz, Teh Russkies, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on Crappy, CRAPPY Canada Day.

CPAC is pathetic.

Warning: Idolatry. Very sad, pitiful idolatry… And these clowns call themselves CHRISTIANS. Guess they forgot the biblical parable of the golden calf, eh? (They also failed to remember the flag code, which is also cringey as hell. And just think, … Continue reading

Posted in Crapagandarati, Der Drumpf, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Pissing Jesus Off, The Hardcore Stupid, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on CPAC is pathetic.

What fundie preachers are doing about COVID-19

Are they closing their churches? Are they disinfecting? Are they advising their flocks to stay safe, listen to doctors and nurses, and avoid too much close social contact? Are they even forgoing the usual handshakes and face-to-face greetings within their … Continue reading

Posted in Crapagandarati, Epidumbics, Isn't It Ironic?, Pissing Jesus Off, She Blinded Me With Science, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on What fundie preachers are doing about COVID-19

How fucking dumb IS Donnie?

Uh…THIS fucking dumb: So dumb that he confessed to a high crime right there on FUX Snooze. He just admitted to demanding a quid pro quo of Ukraine. And while the talking heads there are not quite so dumb, the … Continue reading

Posted in Der Drumpf, Drrrrruuuugs, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Isn't That Impeachable?, Pissing Jesus Off, Teh Russkies, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on How fucking dumb IS Donnie?

Dafuq is going on in Bolivia now?

Uh, this. And it’s terrible: Bolivia is in the clutches of fanatical christofascists. From the obvious military coup, to that creepy “cross” hand gesture they made when swearing in their sham government, to Jeanine Añez’s rabid declarations that indigenous people’s … Continue reading

Posted in All About Evo, Fascism WITH Swastikas, Fascism Without Swastikas, Human Rights FAIL, Isn't That Illegal?, Isn't That Racist?, Isn't That Terrorism?, Pissing Jesus Off | Comments Off on Dafuq is going on in Bolivia now?