Category Archives: Rivers in Egypt

“Sam Bacile” — unmasked?

Egyptian protesters in Cairo, courtesy al-Ahram. I’m still trying to find a picture of the man they’re protesting against. For the past two days, violent protests have been raging outside US embassies in Libya, Egypt, and most recently, Yemen. The … Continue reading

Posted in Barreling Right Along, Crapagandarati, Gazing on Gaza, Isn't It Ironic?, Pissing Jesus Off, Rivers in Egypt, Spooks, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on “Sam Bacile” — unmasked?

What you’re not being told about Libya

Bob Powell of Above Top Secret neatly unpacks the Libyan revolution-that-wasn’t. Some interesting shockers I hadn’t heard yet include the presence of al-Qaida, apparently operating with CIA blessing, in the “National Transitional Council”, and the presence of Qatari troops, in … Continue reading

Posted in Angry Pacifist Speaks Her Mind, Barreling Right Along, BushCo Death Watch, Canadian Counterpunch, Economics for Dummies, EuroPeons, Fascism Without Swastikas, Good to Know, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Obamarama!, Rivers in Egypt, Sick Frickin' Bastards, Spooks, The United States of Amnesia, The War on Terra | 1 Comment

Mona Eltahawy: assaulted, but unbowed

Egyptian journalist, feminist and blogger (and now US dual citizen) Mona Eltahawy tweeted the above picture at about 9 am today. She was back in Cairo to report on the latest round of protest actions at Tahrir Square, but the … Continue reading

Posted in Fascism Without Swastikas, Rivers in Egypt, Uppity Wimmin | 4 Comments

Festive Left Friday Blogging: The Greatest Love Story on Earth

“Occupy Love”, featuring Asmaa Mahfouz, the young Egyptian woman who started the protest movement that eventually came to occupy all of Tahrir Square, toppling Hosni Mubarak and setting in motion a revolution that is still very much in progress. If … Continue reading

Posted in Festive Left Friday Blogging, Rivers in Egypt, The Bold and the Badass | Comments Off on Festive Left Friday Blogging: The Greatest Love Story on Earth

Putin asks a pertinent question

Does anyone have a pertinent answer for him? I think someone does: As usual, it’s the OIL, stupid! Meanwhile, Glenn Greenwald summarizes why no decent person should support what NATO is doing to Libya: No decent human being would possibly … Continue reading

Posted in Angry Pacifist Speaks Her Mind, Barreling Right Along, Fascism Without Swastikas, Isn't That Illegal?, Rivers in Egypt, Teh Russkies, The United States of Amnesia, The War on Terra | Comments Off on Putin asks a pertinent question

Economics for Dummies: Mike Ruppert on provocateurs and the British riots

Mike Ruppert, a former drug-enforcement cop from Los Angeles who helped expose the CIA’s role in drug smuggling to the US, analyzes the London riots. These riots have an economic root, and it’s NOT what the conservatives of the British … Continue reading

Posted in Angry Pacifist Speaks Her Mind, Economics for Dummies, Fascism Without Swastikas, Greek Salad, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Merry Old England, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Rivers in Egypt, The United States of Amnesia, Under the Name of Spain | 3 Comments

In Toronto this weekend?

Then you might be interested in attending this: From Hands Off Venezuela’s e-mail list, the details: Subject: Please on the the 24th show your solidarity with Venezuela! Sent by the Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle/Hands Off Venezuela DEAR FRIENDS OF THE … Continue reading

Posted in Angry Pacifist Speaks Her Mind, Canadian Counterpunch, Huguito Chavecito, If You REALLY Care, Rivers in Egypt | 1 Comment

Le Snog

An enigmatic image from last night’s post-hockey riots apparently has CBC in a twit-storm: Actually, I like this image a lot better than the ones of rioters jumping on cop-cars. It’s a much truer reflection of what Vancouverites (and Canadians … Continue reading

Posted in Angry Pacifist Speaks Her Mind, Canadian Counterpunch, Cops Behaving Badly, Fascism Without Swastikas, Morticia! You Spoke French!, Rivers in Egypt, Socialism is Good for Capitalism!, The WTF? Files | 6 Comments

Collateral Suicide

What do I have against the “humanitarian intervention” of NATO in Libya? Lots of things. This video contains a clue as to some of them: So, let’s recap: So far, no Gaddafi. Their main target (as declared by NATO) remains … Continue reading

Posted in Angry Pacifist Speaks Her Mind, Barreling Right Along, BushCo Death Watch, If You REALLY Care, Isn't That Illegal?, Newspeak is Nospeak, Rivers in Egypt, The United States of Amnesia, The War on Terra | 2 Comments

So, “Arab Spring” was the wrong thing for Brigette to say?

Funny, but actual Egyptians don’t think so: The Arab Spring, they say, isn’t about ballot boxes, it’s about the dignity of humanity. Something the Harper Government™ doesn’t respect, and probably never did. While we’re at it, let’s compare and contrast … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Counterpunch, Crapagandarati, If You REALLY Care, Rivers in Egypt, The Bold and the Badass, Uppity Wimmin | Comments Off on So, “Arab Spring” was the wrong thing for Brigette to say?