Category Archives: Teh Russkies

More on the Russian mobilization, protests, and people leaving the country

Things are moving fast right now in Russia. Here’s Niki, again, with an update on the general situation regarding the Ukraine war: If I had to hazard a guess as to what will happen next, I’m going to say that … Continue reading

Posted in Angry Pacifist Speaks Her Mind, Teh Russkies, Ukraine, Ikraine, WeAllKraine | Comments Off on More on the Russian mobilization, protests, and people leaving the country

What Russian media are saying about the lastest Ukraine mobilization (and what they’re not)

So, this guy cropped up in my YouTube feed today, and what he has to say here is interesting, to say the least: Of course, the Russian official media version of things is at odds with reality on so many … Continue reading

Posted in Angry Pacifist Speaks Her Mind, Teh Russkies, Ukraine, Ikraine, WeAllKraine | Comments Off on What Russian media are saying about the lastest Ukraine mobilization (and what they’re not)

Dubya’s Freudian slip

Can you believe he said this? Well, okay, I can believe it, because it’s dumb, and dumbth is fully in character for Dubya. But can you believe he played it for laughs? And of course, he blames it on being … Continue reading

Posted in Angry Pacifist Speaks Her Mind, Barreling Right Along, BushCo Death Watch, Fascism Without Swastikas, Human Rights FAIL, Isn't That Illegal?, Isn't That Terrorism?, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Teh Russkies, The United States of Amnesia, The War on Terra, W is for Weak (and Stupid) | Comments Off on Dubya’s Freudian slip

Russian oligarchettes “protest” Russophobia in the stupidest way

Oh gee, my heart bleeds for them. Where have we seen THIS mode of “protest” before? Yup, that’s right. These rich Karens basically chopped up their own money to spite their faces…or rather, to “own” Chanel…by no longer owning one … Continue reading

Posted in Crapagandarati, Fascism Without Swastikas, Filthy Stinking Rich, Human Rights FAIL, Isn't It Ironic?, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Teh Russkies, The Hardcore Stupid, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on Russian oligarchettes “protest” Russophobia in the stupidest way

Music for a Sunday: Everything old is new again.

And speaking of old that’s new again, how about this Sting hit from the ’80s? Granted, when this came out, the Soviet Union was still a thing, and communism was its politic. That has since fallen by the wayside, but … Continue reading

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J.K. Rowling got WHAT?

I have no idea what happened here, but apparently Pooty-Poot and his poor bewildered translator know something the rest of us don’t: Rowling got cancelled? When? HOW? Last I heard, she was still swishing and flicking her bigotry wand, like … Continue reading

Posted in Crapagandarati, Farts, Filthy Stinking Rich, Human Rights FAIL, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Terrorism?, Teh Ghey, Teh Russkies, The Trans | Comments Off on J.K. Rowling got WHAT?

Crappy, CRAPPY Canada Day.

Yes, I know. This is a bit belated. But better now than never, eh? So. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t celebrate this year. Partly because of COVID, partly the shitty weather in my neck of the boonies. … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Counterpunch, Confessions of a Bad German, Human Rights FAIL, If You REALLY Care, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Racist?, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Pissing Jesus Off, Sick Frickin' Bastards, Teh Injunz, Teh Russkies, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on Crappy, CRAPPY Canada Day.


I’ve known from the start that the so-called Proud Boys were fascists; it was clear from their self-description. And terrorists; it was clear from their actions. But now it’s official at the governmental level here in Canada, too. And that’s … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Counterpunch, Fascism Without Swastikas, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Isn't That Racist?, Isn't That Terrorism?, Law-Law Land, Teh Russkies, The War on Terra | Comments Off on Finally.

Yeah, hi.

Sorry I’ve been incommunicada again, I just didn’t feel like talking much. Got snowed in, metaphorically (not literally, since there’s been hardly any of the white stuff out my way). So many events and so little to say on any … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Counterpunch, Confessions of a Bad German, Kittehs, Teh Russkies | Comments Off on Yeah, hi.

How fucking dumb IS Donnie?

Uh…THIS fucking dumb: So dumb that he confessed to a high crime right there on FUX Snooze. He just admitted to demanding a quid pro quo of Ukraine. And while the talking heads there are not quite so dumb, the … Continue reading

Posted in Der Drumpf, Drrrrruuuugs, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Isn't That Impeachable?, Pissing Jesus Off, Teh Russkies, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on How fucking dumb IS Donnie?