Festive Left Friday Blogging: Chavecito brings down the house in Bolivia

Even when pouring the chicha at a traditional indigenous Bolivian blessing ceremony to open a summit in Cochabamba, Chavecito can’t resist hamming it up…

Chavecito scares reporters with a jug of chicha!

“Hey, you with the camera–be sure you catch my good side, or you’re toast–and I don’t mean the drinking kind!”


But when he finally gets down to business, he gets it right…

Big Splash!

…as do all his friends except maybe Alan Garcia of Peru, who appears to need to watch and make sure he’s getting it right. (Let’s hope he copies Chavecito on other fronts too, now that they’ve finally shaken hands and made up after the electoral quarrels of the past year.)

Another Chavecito hand kiss!

And of course, it wouldn’t be Friday without a charming Chavecito shot. No wonder he’s so popular everywhere he goes!

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One Response to Festive Left Friday Blogging: Chavecito brings down the house in Bolivia

  1. Dana says:

    Sweeeeeet! I love your ‘Festive Left Fridays’! I always look forward to Chavecito’s ‘hands on’ approach to everything he does! These pics are great as usual Bina…THANKS!

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