Category Archives: Quacks

Who shot at Donnie Drumpf?

Hey, everyone. Notice I didn’t just say “Who shot Donnie Drumpf?” That’s because Donnie wasn’t in fact shot. He was shot AT, for sure, and struck by shattered glass from a teleprompter that one of the stray bullets aimed in … Continue reading

Posted in Bullies, Crapagandarati, Der Drumpf, Fascism Without Swastikas, Fine Young Cannibals, Guns, Guns, Guns, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Terrorism?, Kooks, Nepotism, Quacks, The Hardcore Stupid, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on Who shot at Donnie Drumpf?

Old fart rips one at gasbag dinner

Come for the hilarity, stay for the unfunny reality: Yes, that fart-fight at the food-fest was funny…but what’s not funny is the misinformation that Bobby Kennedy Jr. is spreading. And he’s a fucking environmental lawyer! He knows better, or should … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Counterpunch, Crapagandarati, Economics for Dummies, Environmentally Ill, Epidumbics, Farts, Grifters, Isn't It Ironic?, Kooks, Law-Law Land, Quacks, Shysters, Teh Ghey, The Trans, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on Old fart rips one at gasbag dinner

No, ivermectin did NOT cause a “miracle” in Japan

A biotech professor breaks down just how bogus the story of the “Japanese ivermectin miracle” really was, as well as how to spot pseudoscience and quackery in COVID reporting. What really gets me in all of this was how the … Continue reading

Posted in All the Tea in China, Crapagandarati, Epidumbics, Fascism WITH Swastikas, Fascism Without Swastikas, Kooks, Quacks, She Blinded Me With Science, The United States of Amnesia, Turning Japanese | Comments Off on No, ivermectin did NOT cause a “miracle” in Japan

FUX Snooze flounders, settles, then fires Bowtie Boy

Hooboy, it’s been a bumpy past several days — and have things ever been galumphing along since last week, when FUX Snooze suddenly settled a defamation suit, filed against them by Dominion Voting Systems, for half the amount initially demanded. … Continue reading

Posted in BushCo Death Watch, Crapagandarati, Der Drumpf, Do As I Say..., Fascism Without Swastikas, Filthy Stinking Rich, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Karma 1, Dogma 0, Law-Law Land, Men Who Just Don't Get It, Newspeak is Nospeak, Quacks, Schadenfreude, She Blinded Me With Science, Shysters, Stupid Sex Tricks, Teh Heterostoopid, The Hardcore Stupid, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on FUX Snooze flounders, settles, then fires Bowtie Boy