Category Archives: EuroPeons

Left coalition wins big in French run-off

Liberté, égalité, fraternité…et la victoire de l’unité? Mais oui! Le voici… Pardonnez mon anglais, but DAMN. That’s some real beauté right there! I was biting my nails on the first round, when it looked like Nazism was going to be … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Counterpunch, Confessions of a Bad German, Crapagandarati, EuroPeons, Fascism Without Swastikas, Morticia! You Spoke French!, Nepotism | Comments Off on Left coalition wins big in French run-off

The latest tool in white supremacists’ arsenal? RAPE.

This had my jaw hanging off its hinges, but as you’ll see in a moment, it’s all too real: Here’s the story under discussion, from Vice: A former Marine accused of being in a neo-Nazi group called “Rapekrieg” planned to … Continue reading

Posted in Bullies, Confessions of a Bad German, Cops Behaving Badly, EuroPeons, Fascism WITH Swastikas, Fetus Fetishists, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Isn't That Racist?, Isn't That Terrorism?, Sick Frickin' Bastards, The United States of Amnesia, The WTF? Files, Uppity Wimmin | Comments Off on The latest tool in white supremacists’ arsenal? RAPE.

Music for a Sunday: Say what?

Oh hey! Here’s Falco as a disgruntled newscaster. What’s he “reporting”? Well, here’s my (singable!) translation of the lyrics: On the Run Say what? Whatchoo say? West Berlin, 1967 First impression: paddywagon A roadblock against the madmen Are you cruisin’ … Continue reading

Posted in Artsy-Fartsy Culture Stuff, Confessions of a Bad German, EuroPeons, Fascism Without Swastikas, Filthy Stinking Rich, Human Rights FAIL, If You REALLY Care, Isn't It Ironic?, Music for a Sunday | Comments Off on Music for a Sunday: Say what?

What the 1918 flu pandemic can teach us about public health today

John M. Barry, author of The Great Influenza, talks about how badly the US handled a pandemic that most likely started on home turf. Secrecy, censorship, and denial prevailed during the 1918-19 flu pandemic. The public were often lied to, … Continue reading

Posted in Crapagandarati, Der Drumpf, Epidumbics, EuroPeons, If You REALLY Care, Isn't It Ironic?, She Blinded Me With Science, Socialism is Good for Capitalism!, The Hardcore Stupid, The United States of Amnesia, Under the Name of Spain | Comments Off on What the 1918 flu pandemic can teach us about public health today

Claas Relotius, Der Spiegel’s professional liar, unmasked by a Spanish journalist

“Saying what’s what”? Not this guy, who won a CNN award on the basis of rank fabrication. I had never even heard of him until today, when a friend on Facebook alerted me to this piece, which I simply HAD … Continue reading

Posted in Confessions of a Bad German, Crapagandarati, Cuba, Libre (de los Yanquis), Der Drumpf, EuroPeons, Going Dutch, Isn't It Ironic?, Mexican Standoffs, Newspeak is Nospeak, The United States of Amnesia, Under the Name of Spain | Comments Off on Claas Relotius, Der Spiegel’s professional liar, unmasked by a Spanish journalist

Legal brothels: Germany’s epic fail just keeps on failing

German police raid a brothel whose name is one helluva lie. It all seemed like such a great idea at first: Legalize prostitution in every way, shape and form in Germany. The idea, or so we were given to think, … Continue reading

Posted in Bullies, Confessions of a Bad German, EuroPeons, Filthy Stinking Rich, Human Rights FAIL, Isn't It Ironic?, Law-Law Land, Mobsters, Sick Frickin' Bastards | Comments Off on Legal brothels: Germany’s epic fail just keeps on failing

How fascism gets normalized in Ukraine and Wisconsin

Here’s a broad hint: Yup, it’s cult indoctrination. And it starts at a young age. In Germany, it started with the Hitlerjugend, that “youth club” that you had to join, or else. My late dad went with “or else”, because … Continue reading

Posted in Confessions of a Bad German, Der Drumpf, EuroPeons, Fascism WITH Swastikas, Fascism Without Swastikas, Fine Young Cannibals, Guns, Guns, Guns, Human Rights FAIL, If You REALLY Care, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Racist?, Isn't That Terrorism?, Men Who Just Don't Get It, Newspeak is Nospeak, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Teh Ghey, Teh Russkies, The United States of Amnesia, Who Forgot Poland? | Comments Off on How fascism gets normalized in Ukraine and Wisconsin

Lest we forget…the fascists forgot.

Via the Out and Abouter, an image that’s less satirical than a sad sign of the times. Happy Remembrance Day! And hooray, happy 100th anniversary of the great armistice of 1918. In Flanders’ fields the poppies blow…apparently, a lot of … Continue reading

Posted in Angry Pacifist Speaks Her Mind, Confessions of a Bad German, Crapagandarati, Der Drumpf, EuroPeons, Fascism WITH Swastikas, Fascism Without Swastikas, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Isn't That Racist?, Isn't That Terrorism?, Morticia! You Spoke French!, The United States of Amnesia, Who Forgot Poland? | Comments Off on Lest we forget…the fascists forgot.

While global warming rages something fierce, hell freezes over

Yes, that’s right, folks…the IMF has admitted it made a mistake! How often does THIS happen? The report by the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) goes above the head of the managing director, Christine Lagarde. It answers solely to the … Continue reading

Posted in Banksters, Economics for Dummies, EuroPeons, Fascism Without Swastikas, Filthy Stinking Rich, Free Trade, My Ass!, Greek Salad, Human Rights FAIL, If You REALLY Care, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Karma 1, Dogma 0, Schadenfreude, The "Well, DUH!" Files | Comments Off on While global warming rages something fierce, hell freezes over

Christian charity officially dead in Greece

People escaping into the sea from wildfires near Attica, Greece. Original source unknown. Well, folks, I guess we can now declare Christian charity dead. No one knows where or when exactly it bit the dust, but at least in one … Continue reading

Posted in Environmentally Ill, EuroPeons, Greek Salad, Isn't It Ironic?, Pissing Jesus Off, Sick Frickin' Bastards | Comments Off on Christian charity officially dead in Greece