Help Our Stateside Friends Get Healthcare: Sick For Profit

I’ve decided to declare this “Help Our Stateside Friends Get Healthcare” week. So, all week long, I’ll be blogging whatever catches my eye that has to do with injustice in the US healthcare system, and how to fix it. Here’s the first installment: Sick For Profit.

Warning: Very disturbing beginning, very sad middle, and toward the end–very, VERY angry-making.

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2 Responses to Help Our Stateside Friends Get Healthcare: Sick For Profit

  1. S says:

    Who are the major owners of Cigma, Blue cross etc’s stocks? Are they hidden in the ordinary Tom Dick and harry’s pension plan? Urge Americans to find the stock and dump it. Treat it as toxic.

  2. Our first good idea of the day! Thank you! That’s market forces for ya, with a vengeance.

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