Ah, if only all the colors could be united as beautifully as on a calico cat’s coat! Ms. Manx sighs. She can see that we humans still have a long way to go. Her ancestors had it figured out long ago that color doesn’t matter, that a cat’s a cat no matter what. She’s the product of merry mixing and mingling, and in fact, she wouldn’t be alive if her ancestors didn’t out-cross on a regular basis (remember that little treatise on Manx-cat genetics?) That’s why she thinks it important to gather up the links for Martin Luther King’s memorial day…because she, too, has a dream:
First up, the Socialist Worker, making the points that the major media won’t. Some of them are just shocking (imagine Lyndon Johnson, who pushed for the “Great Society”, referring to Dr. King privately as “that goddamn nigger preacher”!), others sad but not surprising (Dr. King’s revolutionary socialist views largely sanitized and downplayed…so all those uppity po’ folks, black, white and otherwise, won’t get any really unifying ideas that the crapitalists hate.) Ms. Manx thinks you could do a lot worse than to start right over there.
Then, our friends at Four Freedoms have noticed something which Ms. Manx thinks shouldn’t slip below anyone’s radar: that little girls are still being killed to preserve an unjust social order, one of racism and grossly unfair economic distribution. In other words: Dr. King’s mission is NOT accomplished. Which is why the words of his last speech matter all the more today.
Meanwhile, from the magazine Facing South, a progressive view (again, connecting this day to the shootings in Arizona) of another great speech given by Dr. King, shortly after he was stabbed by a deranged racist woman in 1957. He was able to distinguish between the hate and those misled by it. He called on people to look inside themselves first. Can we do the same, even in this age of teabagging?
Back again to the Socialist Worker, and some further insight into Dr. King’s last moments. Did you know he died supporting oppressed sanitation workers in their strike? That’s what his last day in Memphis was about: helping workers elevate themselves above the shit, literally. A humbling realization.
Pam’s House Blend has another good Dr. King speech on tap: one against the Vietnam war, plus thoughts on another civil rights struggle which is far from over: that of LGBT rights. Pam brings up Dr. King’s close ally in the struggle: Bayard Rustin, who happened to be gay. So much for the notion that gay rights and civil rights don’t go together! Equality is not an à la carte thing; you don’t get to pick and choose which equalities are worth fighting for. It’s all or none. Getting just one is meaningless if all the others don’t follow, for the simple reason that “some animals are more equal than others” is just one more wedge driven between people in the struggle for social justice. That’s why we all have to be dreamers along with Dr. King, never mind if you’re not black, or not gay, or not whatever. Never mind what you’re not. The only thing there’s no room for is another pair of blinders.
And finally, Ms. Manx would like to share her favorite Supertramp song (which she’s been listening to a lot lately, and which is very fitting, when you think about it), here performed by frontman Roger Hodgson with a full orchestra and choir:
Come on and dream, dream along…
MLK was also a gun owner.
Oh, for fuck’s sake. Instapissant? You call THAT a reliable source? Don’t leave me any more of that shit in future, unless you WANT to be banned.
And wow, he owned a gun. So did lots of other gunshot murder victims. Gabby Giffords has one too, and it didn’t keep HER from being shot. Kind of puts a large hole in your pro-gun views, wouldn’t you say?
The link is to a Huffington Post article by Prof. Adam Winkler, and is accurate as far as I can tell. Do you have some reason to doubt the accuracy of Prof. Winkler’s article?
As far as banning, it’s your house, if you don’t want me to post here, I won’t.
Damn right it’s my house. And since it is, answer me one question: Why this strange devotion to guns? Why are they the only thing you seem to mention every time you come here–even on posts absolutely NOT related? Makes you look kind of a one-note man, know what I mean?
As for this Winkler chap, who knows? I never heard of him from any source I’d truly trust. Huffington Post is not the most discriminating site for news. It still publishes a lot of total crap about vaccines and autism, even after it was all debunked by actual scientists. For all I know, he could be as wrong as Jenny McCarthy. Or those people who think fluoridated water is toxic and/or a communist conspiracy. They also publish articles by people who think Venezuela is a communist dictatorship, and those could not be more false. I’d be more skeptical, to be honest.
The articles I have commented on are below, and from what I can see, aside from asking Wren for a link to UK crime stats concerning BB guns, the only time I mentioned guns or gun ownership is above. Could you point out the comments that you are referring to?
Oh, only ALL of them. They are all in reference to the gun issue, one way or another. So you can stop playing dumb with me. I know a pattern when I smell one.
And next time, remember that posting more than one link will land you in the spam filter. That’s why it’s taken me so long to find your latest dose of Teh Stoopid.