It was up on Craigslist for a few short moments today. And boy, is it a thing of beauty. Behold:
It reads as follows; spelling and punctuation errors as in original:
Writers needed to post Right-wing Comments to social media and news outlets.
We are a social media company working for a political organization, hired to help balance the left-wing bias of the major media outlets by supplying a team of writers who will post to newspaper comments, media forums, FB pages, etc. We are NOT officially afiliated with Harper campaign
You writing must be strong, right-wing and use supplied talking points without bogging down in too much detail. You are creating an online persona with a consistent tone. Ideally you can find or make up facts and statistics to stir controversy. Where suited humour, sarcasm and personal insults are welcome.
You are a news junky who is able to log on to news forums, facebook pages several times a day. You are able to write comments tailored to new topics while always repeating key talking points.
Compensation: TBD. hourly rate and volume of online activity. Bonuses for controversial postings that heat up a topic or forum thread.
How to apply: We are more interested in your writing than your resume. To apply submit a 100 word post based on the headline “Ignatieff Promises No Coalition after Election” Show us that you can write from a right wing character voice, score points, stir outrage and use humour.
Be sure to include your name, email and cell number so we can contact you.
Sorry, only candidates who submit the best test post submissions will be contacted for an interview.
*Location: National
*Compensation: TBD, hourly rate and volume of online activity. Bonuses for controversial postings that heat up a topic or forum thread.
*This is a part-time job.
*Principals only. Recruiters, please don’t contact this job poster.
*Please, no phone calls about this job!
*Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.PostingID: 2291333753
It was posted at 1:03 pm, Pacific time…and removed less than an hour later. Gee, I wonder why.
Professional trolling: Nothing new for conservatives, and certainly not in forums. I know ’em by the smell alone. So if you see anyone in a newspaper forum dissing the other candidates in our coming national election, now you know. Eh?
And please, don’t hesitate to point the finger at anyone who makes shit up and spouts Tory talking points. Call ’em out for their trolling, folks. They’re paid to do it, they may as well get a run for their money.
It came back!
And now it’s gone. Again.
Wonder if they’ll keep trying?
hi Bina…One more reason to delete a Con comment as soon as it arrives. They’re as slow as hamsters, but eventually they get it… 🙂