A video taken over the weekend, during protests against the inauguration of Mexican president-elect Enrique Peña Nieto, reveals that a lot of so-called “anarchists”…aren’t:
Members of an “anarchist” group arrested at 7:00 in the San Lázaro Metro station were paid 300 pesos each for committing violence and breaking up the occupation in protest of president-elect Enrique Peña Nieto, according to police.
The revelation comes from investigators of the Mexico City police headquarters. At least eight members of the Mexico Union of Revolutionary Youth were detained on Saturday.
However, the radicals won’t say who paid them, although they did tell the agents their objective was to destroy whatever lay in their path.
The capital police said that after they left the Metro station on their way to the Legislature, the hooligans set fire to the first patrol car they found, a PGJDF vehicle marked with the numer 3087, whose windows they broke and bombarded with Molotov cocktails.
Police spokesman Jesús Rodríguez Almeida said that the acts were planned ahead of time, although the intellectual author is not known at the moment.
“In light of all the objects and instruments they used to do these things, the gas cylinders for lighting fires, the fragmentation grenade and the various Molotov cocktails we seized, clearly this indicates that there was premeditation, a specific plan to do violence, and disturb the peace of the city,” Rodríguez Almeida said.
Most of the information about the disturbances could be found on social media networks over the weekend.
In the video [above], several persons can be seen in connection with the group of grenade-throwers now in custody at San Lázaro, who withdrew immediately when they realized they were being recorded, and who are accused of belonging to a shock troop.
Translation mine.
Did anybody get their badge numbers? Those “anarchists” look pretty well fed to me. In other words: highly UNlikely to be the real thing.
And whenever “anarchist” violence has the effect of breaking up a previously peaceful demonstration, or providing cops with a pretext to break it up, you have to start asking the old, but very useful question: Cui bono? Who benefits? Because if it’s not the protesters, then it must be those they’re protesting against.
Like I so often say: It’s never a riot until the cops show up.