Tom Flanagan is okay with kiddie porn

Incredible. Watch as a Native guy nails jello to the wall…and makes it stick:

It’s “just pictures”. Unbefuckinglievable. Yeah…just pictures of kids being subjected to adult sexual whims before their time. No biggie!

Oh, and he’s been on the NAMBLA mailing list for a number of years, which could explain his flibbertigibbertarian position right there. (Of course, he’s not “really” one of THOSE.) What would Icky Vic say? Oh wait…NAMBLA’s mailing list pre-dates the Internets, so I guess he’d say that’s fine. As long as Tom’s just looking at pictures, eh?

Minimizing the child abuse that is the BASIS of child pornography. SupposiTories not bothering to vet their own, but going around accusing their political opponents of supporting this shit. It doesn’t get any scungier than that.

And just think, this is Stephen Fucking Harper’s chief ideologue here. This is not a minor player. This is the guy who wrote the hymnal from which the entire Harper Conservative cabinet sings. But I guess taking a flibbertigibbertarian stance on economics expunges a multitude of crimes.

PS: CBC has just fired Flanagan from their news panel. (The Alberta “Wildrose” ReformaSupposiTories were actually ahead of them on that.) I’m only surprised that it’s taken them this long. His original remarks about kiddie porn, referenced by the questioner in the video, were made in 2009. His first foray into dirty politicking came in 2004, when Flanagan accused then PM Paul Martin of being soft on kiddie porn, and even incorporated it into a SupposiTory attack ad campaign. I told you he was a nasty fucking ideologue…and a nastier fucking hypocrite. And he’s getting his comeuppance now, at long last and not a minute too soon.

PPS: And if you’re wondering why it took Natives to expose this crap ideologue for the perverted freak he is, read this and you will know all.

PPPS: Aaaaand the fallout continues. The U of Calgary has denounced him and he has resigned. Also, nice non-apology, bastard!

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One Response to Tom Flanagan is okay with kiddie porn

  1. thwap says:

    I don’t know why some people are sexually attracted to animals, but they are. It can’t be a choice.

    Some people into children were sexually abused themselves. I pity them. Others are just naturally bent that way.

    I would condone it if somebody drew pictures and wrote stories for themselves IF it helped them vent their urges and PREVENTED them from doing anything else. And if they didn’t share their sickness and its products with anyone else. I wouldn’t arrest them.

    But to view child pornography involving real people is to be a witness to a crime. To seek actively to obtain it is to create the demand that creates the abuse. It is to be an accomplice.

    This is where we’re seeing the “libertarianism” of people like Flanagan exposed as the cretinism that it is.

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