Federico Franco is in deep doo-doo


Oh dear, oh dear. Looks like the former unelected “president” of Paraguay is not exactly as upright as he pretended to be. Whatever could this mean?

The Attorney General of Paraguay will conduct an investigation against ex-president Federico Franco (2012-13) for suspected acts of corruption. Franco was in office for a little over a year after the toppling of Fernando Lugo.

As well as Franco, his wife, senator Emilia Alfaro, will be investigated, and attorney Victoria Acuña has been placed in charge of the case, which is based on a denunciation by liberal politician Domingo Laíno.

Laíno presented accusations against the ex-president and senator last August, and Acuña is collecting information in order to establish whether an official charge will be laid.

The case concerns irregularities committed during the reign of Franco, in the administration of the bi-national Itaipú hydroelectric plant, and some requests made from the office of the then-First Lady, which was later eliminated.

Laíno detailed that the presidential couple favored involved businessmen in bidding for Itaipú, as well as bringing about irregularities during the contraction of services by that entity.

Attorney Acuña has requested documents and the list of functionaries who worked at that time in Alfaro’s office, as well as special information over the cases denounced by the complainant.

Independent of his denunciation to the Attorney General, the liberal politician recently published a book in which he makes strong accusations against Franco and calls for investigation of these and other supposed illegal business dealings during his 14 months in power.

Translation mine.

So, to recap…a popular, elected leader (Lugo) got toppled by a bunch of right-wing senators in a parliamentary putsch. They put this guy in office. Guy’s a fascist; that much we already know. He’s a disgusting necrophiliac shit; we already know that, too. Surprise, surprise, guy also turns out to be a crook. As does his wife, who is one of those same right-wing senators who toppled that elected, popular president (Lugo). Golly whiz, what are the odds?

Stay tuned for more, kiddies, things are about to get awfully hot down in Paraguay..and not just because it’s summer there, either.

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