Category Archives: W is for Weak (and Stupid)

Glass houses, Your Barackness.

Glass houses. President Barack Obama’s sharp criticisms of Venezuela’s human rights record and its ties to Iran are heightening tensions with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who on Monday responded by calling Obama a “clown” and telling him to mind his … Continue reading

Posted in Crapagandarati, Huguito Chavecito, Isn't It Ironic?, Morticia! You Spoke French!, Obamarama!, The United States of Amnesia, W is for Weak (and Stupid) | 3 Comments

How Wired missed the real Assange/Manning story

A couple of days ago, Bradley Manning celebrated his birthday behind bars for the second year in a row. He’s still awaiting trial, with no word on when it will begin. But the outcome of the trial looks to be … Continue reading

Posted in Angry Pacifist Speaks Her Mind, Barreling Right Along, BushCo Death Watch, Crapagandarati, Fascism Without Swastikas, Good to Know, If You REALLY Care, Isn't That Illegal?, Law-Law Land, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, Obamarama!, The United States of Amnesia, The War on Terra, W is for Weak (and Stupid) | 4 Comments

Economics for Dummies: What’s wrong with the US economy (and how to fix it)

A perfectly simple, couldn’t-be-clearer approach to what’s been billed as an insolubly knotty mess. Too obvious for ya? Then you’re probably a teabag.

Posted in Economics for Dummies, Environmentally Ill, Filthy Stinking Rich, Good to Know, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Socialism is Good for Capitalism!, The "Well, DUH!" Files, The United States of Amnesia, The War on Terra, W is for Weak (and Stupid) | Comments Off on Economics for Dummies: What’s wrong with the US economy (and how to fix it)

And this is why I call him The Big Dick…

Five years after the infamous incident of the shotgun, Harry Whittington is still not the man he used to be. And guess who is to blame: The lawyer shot five years ago by then vice-president Dick Cheney told the The … Continue reading

Posted in BushCo Death Watch, Guns, Guns, Guns, Isn't That Illegal?, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, W is for Weak (and Stupid) | Comments Off on And this is why I call him The Big Dick…

The Bush Crime Family’s tentacles in Cuba

Thought you’d seen the last of Dubya when His Barackness kicked him oh-so-politely out of the White House, and hustled him and his minions onto that chopper to take him back to Crawford where he belonged? Think again. As long … Continue reading

Posted in Barreling Right Along, BushCo Death Watch, Cuba, Libre (de los Yanquis), Economics for Dummies, Fascism Without Swastikas, Filthy Stinking Rich, Huguito Chavecito, Isn't That Illegal?, Law-Law Land, Obamarama!, The War on Terra, W is for Weak (and Stupid) | 1 Comment

How far would Washington go to defend torture and death squads?

Sometimes, it’s just instructive to take a good hard look at the past in order to really grasp what’s going on in the present. Take, for example, the fact that Washington has officially sanctioned torture and the use of death … Continue reading

Posted in Barreling Right Along, Fascism Without Swastikas, Isn't That Illegal?, Law-Law Land, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Paraguay, Uruguay, Sick Frickin' Bastards, The War on Terra, W is for Weak (and Stupid) | 2 Comments

Economics for Dummies: Dubya’s Deficit, the gift that keeps on giving

The question is, to whom? Look at this chart and tell me who you think it could be, benefiting from the atrocity and obscenity of the US federal deficit:Anyone got an idea? Bueller???

Posted in BushCo Death Watch, Economics for Dummies, Filthy Stinking Rich, Good to Know, Isn't It Ironic?, W is for Weak (and Stupid) | Comments Off on Economics for Dummies: Dubya’s Deficit, the gift that keeps on giving

Happy Birthday, Chavecito…here’s the oppos’ present to you!

“The tongue as temple of pleasure”. I shit you not, that’s what the headline says. Do you want to read the whole thing, in Spanish? Or shall I just spare you that unsafe-for-work stuff?Yes, it’s Chavecito’s birthday today, and the … Continue reading

Posted in Crapagandarati, Huguito Chavecito, Isn't It Ironic?, Morticia! You Spoke French!, Sick Frickin' Bastards, Stupid Sex Tricks, W is for Weak (and Stupid) | 2 Comments

Gee thanks, Dubya–FOR NOTHING. Love, Uganda.

A typical USAID-sponsored anti-AIDS ad in Uganda; it tackles sex, not ignorance, and certainly not microbes. This is the “miracle” that was touted so highly just a few years ago. Now look how it’s falling apart… Uganda is the first … Continue reading

Posted in BushCo Death Watch, If You REALLY Care, Isn't It Ironic?, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Pissing Jesus Off, She Blinded Me With Science, The "Well, DUH!" Files, W is for Weak (and Stupid) | Comments Off on Gee thanks, Dubya–FOR NOTHING. Love, Uganda.

Short ‘n’ Stubby: Here come da ‘pocalypse!

Yes, Ms. Manx is back…and all who have not been “saved” are going to have their souls eaten by the Cats! And by “saved”, I simply mean “educated in the use of the common sense their mamas gave them”. Assuming … Continue reading

Posted in Fascism Without Swastikas, Guns, Guns, Guns, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Obamarama!, Pissing Jesus Off, Short 'n' Stubby, The Hardcore Stupid, The WTF? Files, W is for Weak (and Stupid) | 4 Comments