Could it be that your “re-election” was not exactly…how shall I put this delicately…clean?
Colombia’s President Alvaro Uribe has been sworn into office for a second term as tens of thousands of police patrolled the capital, Bogota.
Before presidents and officials from more than 20 countries, he pledged to seek peace with left-wing rebels and improve the country’s economy.
The ceremony took place amid tight security with tanks on the streets and military helicopters overhead.
Officials feared a repeat of his 2002 inauguration, which came under attack.
A repeat, you say? You mean this unseemliness has happened before?
Gee, I wonder why. You don’t suppose that drug war that’s not going so well has anything to do with this, do you?
You know, this blog of yours really *is* a “hollow hill”, now that I notice…
Colombia’s elections were not 100% clean, just as Venezuela’s elections weren’t 100% clean either, because of many factors, most of them outside of the control of any one party or individual. That, however, doesn’t change the fact that they were clean enough for them to be valid before plenty of *nonpartisan* observers (in other words, people outside your usual audience).
But then again, I suppose that doesn’t matter, since you Chavistas have incredibly hypocritical standards: international verification efforts from the OAS and the UE have unquestionably made Chavez a legitimate and democratic ruler, because he’s ben blessed by Pope Fidel I in the name of Marx the Father, but those same verification efforts don’t make Uribe any better, because he’s a “Puppet Dictator of the Evil Empire of Fuhrer Bush in his Genocidal War against the Poor”. Those fairy tales get old far too quickly, you know.
The pathetic waste of resources, lives and time that the Drug War is notwithstanding, because in fact I happen to be entirely against such an effort…I sure as heck don’t see your point either. That has absolutely nothing to do with what the article was talking about, except in the twisted minds of people from the left that have no interests other than mutual self-glorification and tired in-jokes.
For the record, I have no personall ill will towards Chavez and company’s rule in Venezuela, but I definitely have to express my dissatisfaction towards hateful and misguided attitudes and conclusions, such as the ones in this blog post.
It won’t really matter anyways, but at least it makes sense from a karmic point of view.
Yeah, you have no ill-will, I can see that…it’s only dripping from your language:
You know, this blog of yours really *is* a “hollow hill”, now that I notice…
Nope, no hate there, only the snooty self-righteousness of a ‘tard with nothing to show for his own arguments:
But then again, I suppose that doesn’t matter, since you Chavistas have incredibly hypocritical standards: international verification efforts from the OAS and the UE have unquestionably made Chavez a legitimate and democratic ruler, because he’s ben blessed by Pope Fidel I in the name of Marx the Father, but those same verification efforts don’t make Uribe any better, because he’s a “Puppet Dictator of the Evil Empire of Fuhrer Bush in his Genocidal War against the Poor”. Those fairy tales get old far too quickly, you know.
Fairy tales? PROVE IT.
The pathetic waste of resources, lives and time that the Drug War is notwithstanding, because in fact I happen to be entirely against such an effort…I sure as heck don’t see your point either. That has absolutely nothing to do with what the article was talking about, except in the twisted minds of people from the left that have no interests other than mutual self-glorification and tired in-jokes.
Uh-huh…no rancor there whatsoever. And what does YOUR side do, huh? Why, mutual masturbation and tired in-jokes about how Chavez is a monkey and Castro’s puppet and yadda yadda yadda…
You’ve made no point here, just a whole lot of empty jibes full of the usual tired, snotty, doctrinaire anti-Chavez rhetoric. You think I haven’t heard all that shit before? Or that I don’t know reactionary whining when I see it?
I’ll thank you not to smear my readership with your snide comments, BTW. In the first place, you don’t know them, and you know jack-shit about them; in the second place, you happen to have read this blog yourself, if only cursorily and with what is obviously very poor comprehension of what is going on. So if you’re going to call me and my readers bad names, be aware that you’ve also smeared yourself with the same broad brush.
Anyhow, baseball rules apply here. This was your first “strike”, amigo. You now have two posts remaining to back up your contentions, IF YOU HAVE ANY TO MAKE, with solid evidence. Use them wisely–I will NOT accept anything that comes from Sumate, or any known right-wing lie source (and I know all of them) as “proof.”
If you can’t do that, you’ll be banned.
More, Bina, this person’s comparison is way, way off the mark.
With Colombia the US engages a neocolonial client relationship. The ruling classes of Colombia and their rightwing thugs literally terrorize the population to control outcomes. Don’t see rightwing paras killing in the service of the elites in Venezuela or Cuba.
More, Venezuela/Cuban relations are based in a reciprocity predicated on increasing social justice and thwarting the influence of said evil colonial empire.
While Uribe could deninately be worse–given that he is a tool of the oligarchs and the emprie–he can hardly be said to be a true democrat. Compared with the Venezuelan elections there is no comparison: Colombia’s oligarchs kill off authentic leftists and the liberal/conservative duopoloy work for the same oligarchical and imperial interests to that the vile status quo can be continued forever.
Bina, turdlinger won’t be back to back up his/her shitty comments. Just a hunch.
Yeah, I’m not exactly unaware of that fact, which is likely going to be the ultimate result of all this. If it would actually make a difference, I’d try another approach. But your posts and comments here and elsewhere, and those of at least part of your readership, prove that arguing with most of you isn’t going to lead anywhere. So I’m not overly concerned about the banning rod (not that there aren’t ways around it, but that’s not the point).
Which is why this is a karmic exercise, at heart, and not much else.
My form may well be snooty, but I’m not trying to win any popularity contests here. I’m all for content over form, which btw is why I can even respect Hugo Chavez, despite his horrible form, because he’s actually done some good things beneath his rough exterior.
I’ll make myself clear: I have little or no ill will against Hugo Chavez himself, but I do have plenty of ill will towards plenty of his supporters and their modus operandi, because of statements such as the ones you have made here. See the difference? Good.
My point wasn’t intended as an attack against the legitimacy of Hugo Chavez’s elections per se, but an attack against the arguments and perspectives of Chavistas, such as yours in this case.
If both the EU and OAS can recognize, as they already have, that Colombia’s and Venezuela’s elections were, despite plenty of different irregularities and imperfections in both countries, free of any major fraud and valid enough for most purposes, then the arguments employed by you (and your Chavista colleagues) end up being entirely hypocritical.
I don’t have to quote Sumate (of which I am no diehard fan) to prove that certain irregularities definitely happened in Venezuela’s elections. The very existence of the conclusions and recommendations made by foreign electoral observers demonstrate that not everything has been squeaky clean. Or are you seriously going to pretend that it was all perfect? Then why did the observers issue recommendations in the first place? I suppose you haven’t, say, read the documents here (or is that not solid evidence for you? ):
If you and other Chavists often say or at least directly imply that you trust the judgement of the OAS and EU in the case of Venezuela, then I don’t see why you olympically contradict and ignore them in the case of Colombia. Except if that’s where the manichean fairy tales come in: The Army of Light vs. The Army of Darkness.
See, you’ve complained about abstention electing Uribe, even though it is mathematically impossible that the final result would have changed with if, say, turnout had increased by a mere 5 or 6% (enough for the purposes of this discussion). Yet, curiously, I don’t see you complaining about a much larger degree of abstention (and this was a considerably worse kind of abstention, because almost all the opposition was actively behind it) electing Venezuela’s National Assembly not that long ago.
But you don’t. So it all comes down to the fact that that’s were ideological dogmas or, more precisely, selective and dogmatic interpretations or reality, come in. Not entirely fictional, because there’s always some truth even in the greatest of lies, but definitely fictionalized and ultimately hollow.
And since discussing about these issues depends entirely on that sort of thing, that’s what has made me assume my aggressive attitude, you could say, when dealing with your type. Again, I don’t expect much other than karmic consequences out of this, pretty much, so I am not too concerned about whatever ends up happening here.
Well, Slave, it looks like you were half right; Turdlinger was back all right, but still didn’t tell me anything convincing. LOL…
BTW, got some comments on the comments:
With Colombia the US engages a neocolonial client relationship. The ruling classes of Colombia and their rightwing thugs literally terrorize the population to control outcomes. Don’t see rightwing paras killing in the service of the elites in Venezuela or Cuba.
Actually, right-wing paramilitaries ARE killing in the service of the elites in Venezuela. And what’s even more interesting is, they’re hired from COLOMBIA:
And it’s nothing new, either:
And here’s more on Uribe’s criminal ties:
It’s not far-fetched to assume that his goons are intimidating a lot of people out of voting, is it?
So much for Colombia’s “clean” elections. The oppo’s false comparison to Venezuela’s, which were fair and square, could not be more disingenuous.
Looks like I wasn’t wrong after all, but everything you two just wrote simply confirms what I had already predicted.
I knew you’d come up with fairy tales, half-truths and selective distortions of reality and you did. Nothing new there. I see those all the time and can do a pretty good job of striking them down, when I actually want to. It just happens that I don’t, and I do have better things to do (like writing dissertations that make your little collection of links look impotent).
And I also half-expected Slave Revolt ™ to show up and that came true pretty quickly. Exactly the sort of person I was thinking of when I originally mentioned your audience. Say hi to Marx and Engels for me, Slavey. Please call me when the Revolution succeeds, I’ll call you back ASAP by then.
Guess I just need to win the lottery and it’ll be a neat hat-trick. Not that I’m that lucky but hey, a man can hope.
Oh well, enough of that. No use wasting more of our mutual time and energy.
Hopefully you’ll all snap out of your dogmatic views someday, as you age. Though I suppose you may not, not in this life at least and definitely not while you can afford the luxury of blindly speculating about things that don’t directly concern you in the least from your own little fortresses.
See you in our next reincarnations, as perhaps this will actually be more fun by then.
Sayonara, muchachos.
Goodbye, cowardly troll with nothing to say but a lot of wind to blow snot with. And rest assured, Karma will bite you, but not me, because I was right and you had NADA.
BTW, you’re IP-banned, so you WON’T find a new “incarnation” here. Congratulations, hope you like your bone.