The body of another murdered Colombian leftist, outside his home. Still think Colombia is a model democracy? Then explain this to me…
Translation mine. Of course, real democratic leaders don’t go around having their outspoken opponents whacked. Mafia leaders do. El Narco does. Therefore…connect the dots, kiddies.Jaime López Barros, leader of the Alternative Democratic Pole party in the Atlántico region of Colombia, was assassinated just 50 metres away from his home in the northern part of the city of Barranquilla.The 53-year-old fell victim to a bullet fired as he was nearing his home early yesterday morning, after dropping off his daughter at school. Immediately after the shooting, López was transferred to the Barranquilla general hospital, where he died a few minutes later.Political directors of his party, Alfonso Camerano Fuentes and Máximo Noriega, referred to the incident as a political crime and assured that they would not be ruling out the possibility that it had to do with political debates López was about to have against the government of Alvaro Uribe.