Poor taste and judgment: They have it. And as yet, we have no idea who “they” are. Can’t wait to see if anyone comes forward to own up for this blunder. Not holding my breath, though.BTW, if you want to be have fun with a KKK costume for Halloween, I suggest the following:Two men, one dressed in a Ku Klux Klan robe, hood and Confederate flag, and the other, face painted black and being led around by his captor by a noose tied around his neck, attended a Halloween party hosted at the Legion, and won the night’s best costume prize.The Campbellford Legion has temporarily closed their doors and will remain closed until further notice. According to Mayor Hector Macmillan, who spoke with the Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Provincial Command President Ed Pigeau, a Legion board of members is being dispatched to Campbellford to deal with the matter.“They (provincial command) are sending a board of members to assess the situation,” said Mr. Macmillan. When Mark Andrade, a black man of Jamaican decent and owner of Rubbs Barbecue Bistro in Campbellford, stopped by the Legion that night for a beer with some friends he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.“I was immediately disgusted and pissed off that this was being encouraged, especially by the Legion,” said Mr. Andrade. “The Legion is a place of respect, I mean you can’t even wear a hat in there and here they are endorsing this kind of behaviour. Everyone else watched and didn’t say a word. It was very revolting.”Mr. Andrade did not say anything to the two men, nor confront them – he just left. He added he had no idea who the two men were.

Here’s another bit of shocking info about that story: one of the guys in the offensive getup used to be a police officer in Toronto. You’d think that of all people he would know better than to think racism is a laughing matter.
Here’s a link to the story with more details: http://www.thestar.com/news/article/885090–campbellford-reels-after-halloween-costume-furore